Easy answer, nsm.
Who says 30 is old??????
Twenty-somethings, of course. My perception of old keeps creeping upwards. Now I think eighty looks old.
by frankiespeakin 31 Replies latest jw friends
Easy answer, nsm.
Who says 30 is old??????
Twenty-somethings, of course. My perception of old keeps creeping upwards. Now I think eighty looks old.
My saying that there were no young ones and that everybody there was 30 and beyond, was not to imply that 30 is old, I was merely saying that because the WT was about youth(teenagers and younger). I think there was one or two in attendance, that being the case the WT was a huge waste of time.
Frankie, why did you go to the meeting?????
Married women don't mind being found attractive ... - reneeisorym
I think paying a married lady a compliment: telling her that she is attractive or joking that it is a pity she is married is VERY DIFFERENT from brashly asking her out to on a date and contemplating what sexual education she migh be lacking.
If the JW sister found it flattering would she have told frankie TWICE that she was a married woman? Why didn't she laugh with him or give him a friendly punch on the shoulder? His narrative suggests that the sister was rather alarmed AND NOT AMUSED by his suggestion.
I see no need to lighten up when such behaviour isn't funny. One does not give a positive twist to "sleaze" when the very action was intentionally sleazy. That was no comedy act. Frankie confessed he would have bonked her had she given him the chance.
Frankie, why did you go to the meeting?????
Just woke up and had an urge to go so I went. A little backround: The last time I went to a meeting was after I got df'd for apostacy, they were so pissed off at me, because when they told me that if I go to meeting I'm not to talk to anybody to which I told them: "I will talk to anybody I want" Well they were so disturbed by my presents they told me to leave, I said no (mind you I was quiet and did not disturb the meeting, I only raised my hand to comment which really got them pissed and I talked to people that did not know I was df'd). They asked me to leave or they would call the cops which they did. So to make a long story short I felt like going to play the part of an interest person and see what developed. I may go again since this sister invited me back.
I think paying a married lady a compliment: telling her that she is attractive or joking that it is a pity she is married is VERY DIFFERENT from brashly asking her out to on a date and contemplating what sexual education she migh be lacking.
Asking some one to explain the Bible over coffee is not a date. Lighten up.
We were just joking around. You are taking this way to seriously.
I guess my sense of humour is more conservative compared to most posters on this thread. That's why we don't agree.
Here's a question for you married ladies: Would you still be amused if a JW elder you didn't know, approached you when you are by yourself, asked you out to coffee to *talk to you about the Bible* when you sense he has more than just the Bible in mind?
Then again, perhaps you would. So I'll just leave it at that. I'm tired of defending a lady's decency.
"""or cliteral stimulation""" silly frankie, it is "clitoral"
I agree with Inquisitor. I think it was inappropriate and he behaved badly on purpose showing a lack of respect for her marriage.
Here's a question for you married ladies: Would you still be amused if a JW elder you didn't know, approached you when you are by yourself, asked you out to coffee to *talk to you about the Bible* when you sense he has more than just the Bible in mind?
There was an elder in my old congo who constantly made inappropriate comments regarding my dress and figure. I was 25 and he was 60 something. It creeped me out and pissed me off that I had to spend two hours avoiding him three times a week. My husband told him to leave me alone and quit with the comments. He did.
It's one thing to get a sincere compliment. Another entirely to be hit on by someone who is just playing his own stupid game.