You know how on the last day of a district assembly the chairman always give these great experiences about how the Dub’s that attended the Assembly had great spiritual experiences while at dinner or at the hotel. Well, hears one you will not hear. For about five straight years, a friend of mine (whose father was a jerk elder who thought anybody who drank should be DF) would leave the assembly at lunchtime each day, go to a bar near the convention, and get drunk out of his mind!!! His dad would be none the wiser. When I’d ask him where his son was, and he’d say he was an “attendant” somewhere. On more than one occasion, my friend was sent home in a Taxi (cause he was so drunk) and I had to drive him the next day to pick up his car!!! I hate those fate experiences they read at the end of the assembly. What’s your story?????? Please share.
Experiences the WTS does not want you to hear at the Assembly!!!
by thepackage 29 Replies latest jw friends
Going back a few years there was an article featured in the AWAKE about a contempletive Nun from the Brooklyn diocese who was converted to JW . She was featured at a district assembly. She became very popular and I met her at a "get together" on Staten Island. Very zealous!! Five years later I saw her again and she was as negative as anyone on this board. She was angry, I mean ANGRY. She was seeing it all and felt duped. The Awake didn't update her story nor was her experience updated at the District Conventions. And the band plays on.
*** g73 2/8 p. 14 People Who Are Becoming Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
Also becoming Jehovah’s witnesses are former nuns. One of them served as a nun for seventeen years. In a letter to her pastor, dated May 1972, she explained: "This is to inform you that I want to be removed from the files of the Catholic Church. This may come as a shock to you . . . I know how you rejoiced with me when I entered Visitation seventeen years ago, when I thought being a Nun was the truly Christian way to live the truths of the Bible. Lonely and frustrated as I often felt, your annual visits were always a joy and encouragement to me . . .
"You know, so many of the Sisters have been disillusioned as we tried to update our sacred, favorite customs and traditions. No wonder so many are leaving the Convents when we found out the silly reasons for so many of the age-long celebrations!"
She then described to her pastor how one of Jehovah’s witnesses challenged her to examine her beliefs through a Bible study, observing: "I almost laughed because I knew I had all the answers. But to my surprise, what he showed me in black and white made me go to Catholic friends and Priests and Nuns to help me prove him wrong. . . . I was so shook up that I wrote, terminating my study, with no intention even to see one of Jehovah’s witnesses again.
"I discussed it with Catholic friends and family, who, by the way, were either not going to Church, were high on drugs or were living immoral lives. Each told me to ‘go home and just keep the faith.’ One even said: ‘I don’t care what the Bible says, in fact—to hell with the damn Bible!’ I was so grieved that I said, ‘If that’s what your religion does to you, I don’t want any part of it!’ So humbly, I went back to my friend to admit that he had the truth taught in the Bible.
"Then I began to attend the meetings . . . I even joined their ministry school where I learned to discuss logically and prove all things true Biblically. I found great Christian friendship and practical brotherly love . . .
"I hope that you will allow yourself to be witnessed to by one of these thinking, loving believers of Jehovah’s Organization who are really living the teachings of the Bible."
On August 5, 1972, at the Queens, New York city, "Divine Rulership" District Assembly this former nun was baptized and became one of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses.
A bunch of us during lunch at Dodger Stadium were passing out this flyer for a party on the following weekend and quite a few JW kids were coming to my friends for the flyer..........
to make a long story short the flyer got shown on a Sunday talk about how some JW kids were planning partys instead of listening to the service. The flyer had a picture of a girl in her bikini on the cover and suggested to BYOB and lots of hot chicks would be there.
Thats one of my experience Pakage, back to you.
at the district convention last year, a buddy of mine had tacked on to his name badge a little sign that said "I'm Single". He got herded into the bowels of the coliseum, and was Reprooved the next week.
one year a couple of jw teens got caught in a stairwell at a hotel doin the nasty by hotel security..
didnt hear that experience from the stage LOL
Thanks for the post Blondie.
Last year on the last day of the DC, the speaker started talking about the London bombings. He said how there were three people on the bus, the one in the middle was a JW and was reading his days text. When the explosion happened a young girl next to him had her leg(s) blown off and the person on the other side was killed, the JW however was barely scratched. My study conductor later expained how you will always be protected if you have your days text or any other bible literature with you.
The speaker then told of a girl who was on her way to work in London on the morning of 07/07. As she rushed to catch her train she remembered that she hadn't read her days text that morning so she turned round and went straight back home again. This resulted in her missing the train which turned out to be the one with the bomb.
As the speaker was telling these experiences, he sounded so cocky and smarmy it made my skin crawl. I already had to fight with the really loud bs sirens going off in my head. I kept thinking, if I hadn't read the days text I would have just thought "oh well I'll read it tonight". Was there some kind of rule that you had to read them in the morning? I felt so gutted that I found it so unbelievable as I had only been baptised the day before. I later told my unbelieving husband what was said and I just felt so embarrassed.
Oh sorry, I didn't read the title properly.
Hi Moomin - welcome to the board and I enjoyed your post - it must have been very exasperating to hear that the day after your baptism! But also very crass to be giving out bullshit stories like that so soon afterwards!