Have you made what you consider to be life-long friends here?

by Crumpet 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Now that you have attended apostafests and gotten to know people over the phone or by email here at JWD do you feel you have made life long friends;you know the kind you'd expect to come to your wedding or to be there at your funeral - would drop in on for coffee if you ever happened to be in their part of the world?

    Or is it primarily just a forum of faceless entities who you appreciate the comments and support of online but don't necessarily feel an affection for or an urge to meet or further cement that friendship?

  • Dansk

    I definitely feel I've made some life-long friends. Some here telephone me, e-mail me and have sent letters and cards. Claire and I have been invited to their homes - even abroad - and, of course, some have been here (and stayed).

    I love this place!


    P.S. and not a sexual inuendo in sight!

  • KW13
    Now that you have attended apostafests and gotten to know people over the phone or by email here at JWD do you feel you have made life long friends;you know the kind you'd expect to come to your wedding or to be there at your funeral - would drop in on for coffee if you ever happened to be in their part of the world?

    Or is it primarily just a forum of faceless entities who you appreciate the comments and support of online but don't necessarily feel an affection for or an urge to meet or further cement that friendship?

    i've yet to go to an apostafest, though i am going to the Curry that Ian is arranging. i really like the folks here and i look forward to meeting them as time goes on. Yes i consider them good friends already, i don't know how good till i meet them but you don't know what might happen!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Well, I haven't attended any apostafests yet, but will be rectifying that in October at the Apostacurry, but I feel that I have made genuine friends on this board, and that they will be friends for many years to come. I know that I will get along with the people I meet in October, and at future events.

    Speaking of weddings, Trev and I hope that a lot off here will be able to attend ours. We are thinking seriously of turning the reception into an apostafest, and have an idea where we will have it, but more on that later as plans hopefully fall into palce.

    and not a sexual inuendo in sight

    That makes a change Ian lol


  • lonelysheep

    I sure hope so.

  • Crumpet

    I think the physical meeting at apostafest goes a long way towards cementing the firendships for me.

    Amongst others I would like to think Diamond Blue will be my friend and mentor and voice of reason and kindred spirit for a very long time to come.

  • agapa37

    not as yet but hope to seethe good side of people

  • arrowstar

    Yes. So many wonderful people.


  • Crumpet

    agapa37 - seeing the good side of people is an excellent goal. I have to say I had lurked here quite a few months before I felt comfortable enough to post and then since then have become naturally drawn to some and have met them at two of the Uk Aposta BBQs 2005 and 2006.

    I also think the more you are prepared to share and give of yourself the more people warm to you. I was overwhelmed when I went to a my first fest and people quoted me and said I had made them laugh or that they looked out for my posts because they were generally animated and lively (and a bit dumb!!)

    Look forward to hearing more from you .

  • littlerockguy

    I hope so also. Some of the people I have met here and other boards mean a lot to me; although I dont know what I mean to them, lol.


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