Ok, Seriously people, Can anyone here say they honestly enjoy Las Vegas? What an utterly depressing place. My wife and I went there for a "wedding". I couldn't understand why anyone would want to vacation or live there. With the hype I hear from my friends that go often I was looking forward to it. I couldn't get home fast enough. I can see why their moto is "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". Who would want to talk about what happens there. And now that I look at the moto,it seems it could also apply to the WTS. I can hear it now "What happens in the Jehovahs Witness's,Stays in the Jehovahs Witness's". But really does anyone REALLY love Vegas as much as they say. Or are we just parroting what we hear. I will say that outside of the strip,I could see the beauty in the landscape, other than that though...
Can we be honest?
by seahart 29 Replies latest jw friends
It is strange you should bring this up. The last 2 times I went to Vegas, which was 20 years ago, I felt the depression of the city. Must be because there are so many that lose when they gamble.
troubled mind
I really enjoyed my stay there 2 yrs. ago . We went for a wedding too . It probably helped that we were getting a break from the midwest dreary days of March . We stayed on the strip , and took two nights walking to just see the different hotels . We don't gamble so none of that appealed to us . After the wedding we spent two more days visiting the sights outside of the city beautiful landscapes and parks like Red Rock . The only thing I really didn't like was the guys that handed out baseball type cards of hookers at the street corners .
I love the hotels. There are some really beautiful ones there. But, the sounds in the casinos start to grate on my nerves. It's like a giant Chuck E Cheese.
I agree with the both of you.
Give me the countryside, the grasses, the rocks, the trees, the sunrises and sunsets, the wildlife....ah now thats a vacation!
We have a colleague who is currently working in Vegas. All he talks about is the beer, dancers and whores. Wow, so appealing.Yuck. -
I don't gamble, but I think everyone should see Vegas once. There are kewl malls with unique artwork, light shows, even free shows to see from the sidewalk.
I have been twice for business, the 2nd time wasn't a thrill for me. Like I said, it's a once, must see!
I went over 40 years ago, don't remember too much of it though. I didn't gamble then, still don't. I remember a big lake not too far from the city. That's about all I can remember except your change was usually silver dollars in LV.
Ken P.
My son went there once. Kind of the same thing said here. Nice place to visit once. He took the bus and visited the natural beauty around and that was his good memory.
I do like Vegas but I'm not much of a gambler. I usually have a limit of $20 and then I'm done. I would like to go and see a few of the shows, maybe one day I'll catch a Tom Jones show, my sister (who used to go to Vegas a lot on business) says he's worth going to see. I'm also interested in the good eats that I hear they have out there. My husband would be mainly interested in shopping and doing business at the Magic Show (convention for the clothing biz).
Lady Liberty
Wow. This was interesting because we just went there as a family, my husband had a seminar he attended. We went early, went all over, never gambled,except for 5.00 my huband tried passing a slot machine. But we had a awesome time! I took my daughter, 12, to her first concert, Celione Dion, went to the Titanic Museum, King Tuts Museum, ate dinner at Emeril Lagossees restraunt, shopped till we dropped and spent many hours at the pool. We went to the top of the Eiffil (spelling??) Tower and saw the beautiful light show. We will definatley be going back. It is probably all in where you choose to go. There was so much we never saw and we were there for 5 days!
Lady Liberty