Is there anything that says that it consitutes an illegal act for a brother who served in a committee to then be the one to give the talk to the congregation?
Need mature advice on this one..........
by Sunnygal41 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
drew sagan
Is this a judicial committee? If so do you want to know if it is legal for a member of that comittee to give a local needs to the congregation, in a sense revelaing information held under confidentiality?
A little more clairification on the matter would be helpful. -
I have never heard of such a thing myself, but I bet an elder would know.
tall penguin
From my experience, it is always one of the brothers from the judicial committee who gives the local needs talk to the congregation.
tall penguin -
drew sagan
Just wondering,
Where you or somebody you know recently DF'd? The reason I ask is because I know of a situation where somebody was DF'd this week, curious if this is connected. -
consitutes an illegal act
Illegal as in not constitutionally legal in the country you are in? The reason elders have such wide-ranging powers is that most nearly everything they do is covered under freedom of religion.
Illegal as in not following their own rules? I doubt it.
There's rules around slander. But the statements have to be false, and with malicious intent. The elder in question would have to name names, which won't happen, right?
There are also privacy laws, but in most cases religions are not bound by those laws.
The "local needs" talk that is associated with the behaviour that resulted in someone's being DFd is NOT supposed to be delivered at the same meeting. The announcement was usually made first and the "local needs" talk was given a week or two afterward, to provide some distance between the announcement and the warning talk. Of course, once you knew the way it worked, you'd be able to put it together easily enough. That being said, there might not be too many JWs who are savvy to the way this works, unless it's been explained to them.
AK - Jeff
To be honest - though as Drew mentioned it is a little hazy as to what you mean by the question here - I would suspect that the BOE would folllow strictly the Society's directions following a DF or Reproof in the matter of a 'local needs' application talk. In so doing one would generally assume that the Society has made sure all the correct asses have been covered legally, especially the ones in Brooklyn.
Jgnats points are well taken here too. Slander would require names and direct information [which is never supplied in a ln talk], and as Scully mentions some time normally passes making accusations of slander hard to prove. My experience has been that generally the local needs talks about judicial matters are indeed handled by one on the committee, due to his knowledge of how the congregation needs to 'be protected' [insert cough here].
In the congregation I was in if a person was DF'd, or publicly reproved. Then at the next, usually the following month, "local needs" item a talk was given on what ever the person DF'd or reproved for. This was usually done by one of the Elder who served on the Judicial committee. This was because he would know the reason for the DF. Giving it to a brother not on the committee might lead to him drawing wrong conclusions. Also no one but the JC should know what was discussed at the JC. Thus avoiding speculation.
Unfortunately considering the person was named during the DF/reproof announcement. Then they give a "local needs" talk on say fornication. Then you knew very well what they had been up to. Then never miind speculation, the gossip started.
One time a brother and sister where DF'd for fornication. Within a couple of weeks it was going round they were involved in full scale orgies with other JW's. Then we had to have another "local needs" talk on gossip.
Nothing illigal about it.
They can choose anyone they like from the body of elders if all have knowledge of the wrongdoing or usually is one of the JC. that gives the talk, which it is funny because if you were df's everyone will know why you were.(apostasy,immorality,fraud and so on)