Why is it that when ever you would leave the meetings any earlier then when they were all done...did you feel like everyone was watching you or even sometimes guilty? Sometimes, I would leave at 'halftime' (at the second song) either to go to work or just because I was having trouble dealing with the B.S. And of course everyone was nosey and would ask my elder dad after the meetings where I went as though I was off to commit some horrible crime. Now, I don't think this is normal religious or christian behavior...(or does it happen at other churces?) Must you sit through the whole stinking thing to be saved from the big A?
Leaving the meeting early
by beautifulisfree 29 Replies latest jw friends
When I used to get dirty looks for leaving at half-time I just figured they were all jealous and sad that they didn't have the balls.
When we had to leave after the first meeting or arrive late for the 2nd meeting only, my Mom made us go in one at a time, in the hopes that it would look less obvious if we all sauntered in or out in a group....At the kingdumb hall, its all about keeping up appearances.
I used to plan to stay till half time but the bother was too much trouble, having to sneak out , then explain yourself to a brother who rings up at 10.30pm to ask if everythings ok ............................
Our last couple of months pf meetings we NEVER lasted the whole meeting and would snaek out at the half almost every Sunday. You just walk to your car without slowing down or makin eye contact.
We also learned to leave in stages, first my husband would take our little one to the back and sneak out when nobody was looking, then I would grab the oldest and we would slide out during the song. We had to do this because if we ever got up together to leave the brother sitting in the back would get up and follow us out. Every time, no matter which one was back there. They always wanted to know if someone was sick? or is something wrong? Why are you leaving early, brother? Once I asked if there was some kind of a rule against it. The meetings are voluntary, right brother? I think they would have locked us in if they could have.
You got it Swam,
That's pretty much what I do,
Since our parents left at half time about 25% of the time my sister and I were always keenly focused on them right after the Public talk. We had been taught not to ask to go home, so we just waited like death row prisoners hoping the governor would call. We knew that sometimes they wouldn't decide until just before the start of the WT study approached. Now I realize they were just waiting for the right feng shui, that is, when there were no servants between them and the door. I remember being almost in tears when the WT study was called to order and we went back to our seats. On the occasions we did leave it was such a happy, free feeling I can still recall it today.
Lately I've noticed that it's rare when the visiting speaker stays for the WT study. Almost always it's some privileged MS giving the final prayer because even the speaker bolted for the door as soon as the second song started. We don't even have a late meeting either.
I was a visiting speaker a lot. I rarely stayed for the WT study. I always told one of the host elders I had either already been or would be going to my own meeting. Sometimes it was true.