that despite my sincere efforts of sincerity and honesty that most who interacted with me were rather uptight and rude. I really dont understand it. Forgive my babbling. The Titlte of this board say: and I quote... Jehovahs-witnesss discussion EVERYONE welcome! I have felt nothing but unwelcomed! Maybe that would explain in one of my topics a poster excitedly said..."OH someone new!" Whats the problem here?
It seems.......
by agapa37 31 Replies latest jw friends
I would say that is wise to remember than the majority of the people here are ex-JWs who have been deeply hurt by the WTS and its representatives by extremely unchristian actions. That is something to consider when entering into discussions.
It's the Internet hun you've got to have a thick skin and allow for the lack of emotion via the screen. It is really hard to tell what a person means without actually seeing them or hearing their voice. Don't take everything so personally IOW lighten up a bit and you'll feel less intimidated.
BTW a belated welcome to JWD!
Thank u biker chick. Fine and awesome explanation
looking at your post history it appears that you have mainly posted in threads I haven't visited, so I have no idea why that would be true. all I can say is that I usually treat folks respectfully if they treat me the same way. When they don't, I can get a tad blunt myself.
You will get all kinds here. If you talk like a practising Witness, a political consrvative, or anything that in any way be construed as religious fundamentalism, then some claws will come out! I had that happen in the beginning, and it still does since I voice some minority opinions here.
If you are here as a Watchtower apologist, one who thinks it is the truth and defends it, you might want to grow a thick skin and fast! I reckon I can say the same if you are a political moderate like me or even a conservative, those opinions are definately in the minority and the liberals are abundant and nasty!
There are a few other possibilities I haven't covered because you might misconstrue what I am saying and take offense. But I hope you get the picture.
Take care
Forscher -
Internet forums are notorious for harboring individuals who are eager to express themselves in sometimes an abrasive manner. As bikerchick said, when i say something (actually typing and clicking) the fact that I am talking to a real live person sometimes escapes my consciousness. Please don't take anything anyone has said to you too personally. Misunderstandings are very, very common. Welcome to the board.
Alot of people here have been ruined by the WTBTS and have had to rebuild their lives on their own after having lost family and close friends. Some people here have left religion all together, while others have changed their beliefs on what the scriptures say. The scripture that states "bad association spoils useful habits" while involved with the JW meant worldly association of any kind. Now after leaveing the witnesses that scripture means to me having associations with people that tear you down and don't build you up, not necessarily a certian group of individuals. People here aren't looking to hurt your feelings or make you feel unwelcome, but if you are gonna take the chance and post a topic, be prepared to defend your beliefs to others who may either be offended, or just trying to gain further insight on where you are coming from. I hope you stay around. Welcome...
Blondie and Bikerchic both make good points that are wise! they are also a couple of nice folks to know around here.
Forscher -
Why not go back and re-read your previous posts and see if any of them seemed preachy or condescending in any way. I have seen a few newbies come on this site and think that they can "set people straight" by sanctimoniously wagging their finger at us. (I'm not saying that you ever did this, as I haven't seen your past posts). But, for those who have tried to talk down to us, this has always backfired.
Just go back and see if anything you wrote seems as if you might be talking down to anyone. I made the mistake in the past of posting some threads that sounded preachy, and I got "slapped down" for it. I just learned from my mistake, and changed my approach. All you have to do is start fresh. Don't worry if you were shot down yesterday. Tommorrow is a new day. Just learn to be humble and non-dogmatic in your approach. This is a great place to exchange ideas and to get support.
Best Wishes
Jehovahs-witnesss discussion EVERYONE welcome! I have felt nothing but unwelcomed!
Welcome, agapa.
It's not that you are unwelcome, it's just that many here do not believe as you do is all; and there is little patronizing here. At first, understandably, this can be a bit disconcerting.
As has been mentioned, please don't take it personally. Be patient with us. You just got here and the water may seem too hot, but after awhile it gets comfortably warm and cozy. This is a great group of people who honestly and openly say what they believe and feel, and who will be here for you if you really need them.
Glad you joined us. We need more Christians to save us. No, really.