Do You Think ExJWs Go To The Other Extreme When They Leave The Organization

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • talley

    I can think of one example right here on this board; our own youthful, newly 'emancipated', dearly loved R*****R***.

    He no longer has the time to entertain us with his humorous yet wise observations of the world around him and is evidently spending time and $ on tatoos. I hope it is a phase that will pass. I hope he recovers his humor and goodwill as time heals his grevious emotional wounds inflicted by the WTBTS through his Mom.

    I miss him, think of him often, and wish him good health, happiness, and sucess.


  • minimus

    Tattoos are popular with both old and young. Many get tattoo fever and can't get enough of them.


    Swan seems to be gone..Does anybody,know anything,about the Friggin Calculators!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Well, I suppose most of my thinking nowadays is 'dangerous' in WTS terms. I entertain ideas that I completely blocked before - politics, other religions being ok or even good, that pleasure in life now is worthy of doing.

    I participate in holidays of my choosing. But overall I am pretty mild I suppose. That is prob my age - I have seen the dangers of some of the foolish behaviour that some chose [witness or not], and take a conservative view of my involvment.

    I have responsiblities that make it a bad idea to set the wrong example in my conduct just to prove that I can if I want to. I do not want my g-kids to think that way, so I don't.

    I read what I want, I watch movies that I like, I associate with whomever I want to. I still do the 'practical things' that I did as a witness. I drive safely, don't use drugs, don't ruin my marriage with a sexual fling just because I can. I retained what I think are good morals, based not on WT directives, but largely on Bible concepts and principles.

    On a wildness scale 1-10, I suppose I am still just a 2.


  • Twitch

    Yea, but it's subjective. How extreme are we talking bout here?


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I went a little overboard the first coupla years, but I hafta say that it took me about 6 months before I realized that I could actually smoke again. I shoulda rethunk that idear.

    How ya doin', Mini?

  • LovesDubs

    I do the JW equivalent of running with scissors. I dont get up early on weekends to go bother people at their homes. I say "Good luck! and....Merry Christmas!" and I mean it. I TOAST at special occasions or with my kids when we've accomplished something cool. I let my kids join SPORTS and DANCING and associate with people of ALL religions and backgrounds without prejudice. I watch John Edwards, Sylvia Brown and The Medium shamelessly. I believe in guardian angels. I believe in souls. I question authority. I read fine print. I dont join ANYTHING that requires that I swear my ALLEGIANCE to a manmade organization. I dont shun anybody who believes differently than I do.

    Yep deep end. Come on in! The water's great!


  • Swan

    I finally found it.

    It was posted several days ago by Jayhawk1 in a thread about chess. I had forgotten all about that article, but once I started reading I remembered reading it many years ago and about how absurd I found it then too. I recall that I thought that the WTBTS was really misinformed, and how could they warn us about calculators when they were boasting about their latest computer systems. Now, as I read it, I find it ludicrous, and am thinking of forwarding it to my friends as a humorous look at my past experiences.

    From the 9/8/76 Awake, starting on page 23, the article "Should a Pocket Calculator Be in Your Pocket?"

    Here's the link, see Jayhawk1's post, the twelfth one down.

  • Swan
    As might be expected, an electronic calculator is not all advantages. There are disadvantages, and it is wise for you to consider them. For one thing, having a calculator is going to involve some money, time and attention. How much would you use it? In your case the few occasions when you would really be helped by having a calculator might not justify the cost, even with the recent low prices. Do you want to put money into something that you may not need, or that may be just a toy for a few days?

    Let's see. Some of them are more than a dollar. I may not want to invest that much money in one. If it breaks, I might have trouble finding a place to repair it for less than the $1.00 I can buy a replacement for. And the problem of batteries? Well, I shudder! I don't even want to go there.

    And though I use one practically daily in my job and at home, I am very worried that this passing fad of 30 years will leave me with another toy collecting dust on my desk.

    Also the time and attention spent calculating in seconds what I would normally take several minutes to do could actually be better spent on Apostate websites.

    Yes, these disadvantages are very important considerations. I can definitely see how I've been pushing the extreme with my over indulgence with pocket calculators. Perhaps I will go to my employer and explain how I want to start doing all my math by hand now so as to avoid this deadly sin.


  • Jourles

    Oh my god, I never heard that one before about calculators! What a bunch of morons they have in NY.

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