Well, I suppose most of my thinking nowadays is 'dangerous' in WTS terms. I entertain ideas that I completely blocked before - politics, other religions being ok or even good, that pleasure in life now is worthy of doing.
I participate in holidays of my choosing. But overall I am pretty mild I suppose. That is prob my age - I have seen the dangers of some of the foolish behaviour that some chose [witness or not], and take a conservative view of my involvment.
I have responsiblities that make it a bad idea to set the wrong example in my conduct just to prove that I can if I want to. I do not want my g-kids to think that way, so I don't.
I read what I want, I watch movies that I like, I associate with whomever I want to. I still do the 'practical things' that I did as a witness. I drive safely, don't use drugs, don't ruin my marriage with a sexual fling just because I can. I retained what I think are good morals, based not on WT directives, but largely on Bible concepts and principles.
On a wildness scale 1-10, I suppose I am still just a 2.