I was a nineteen year old kid when a JW elder in his late fifties came on to me. I was going through some awful stuff and dropped by his mobile home for spiritual counsel and a listening ear. He answered the door in skivvies and a t-shirt. Not a good sign. Anyway, as the discussion continued he kept hinting around and then finally came right out and wanted me to sodomize him and vice-versa. I actually wondered, briefly, if I was awake. I blew a gasket because I'm not gay and I was desperately in love at that time. I got up and left. That was almost The End of my JW involvement. I never told anyone but my family, but I did write about it in my second book, I Was A Teenage Jehovah's Witness. I almost used his actual name in the book. Almost, but not quite. He's dead now but his JW family would probably sue me for libel. MM
I was 19 when an elder came on to me
by Mistah MOJO 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Wow, I've had some bad times, but nothing like that.
Are you the guy who wrote Jehovah unmasked ?
Or am I confusing you with another poster?
Mistah MOJO
Hi Vitty. Yes, that's me.
MM -
Double Edge
Yikes!He's dead now but his JW family would probably sue me for libel
Nope.... only the "damaged" person can sue, and he's dead.
Big Tex
True. The old axiom is 'you can't libel the dead'.
Wow, that must have been intense, especially at age 19!
What a terrible thing to go through at 19! Especially looking for help and your "counselor" hitting on you!
Amazing. I have a really hard time understanding how people can do stuff like this. All I can say is they must really be sick. Someone comes to you for spiritual guidance and you ask to have sex. Crazy.
What an awful experience! He was probably lucky you didn't beat him to a pulp before you left.
What a sick organisation the wts really is