Active JW Apologists: Did you take the OATH at the Convention?

by kid-A 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I was at the DC and didn't say "yes" nor did I take the oath seriously. I'm curious as to how many really did take the oath seriously, as another poster mentioned that it was the final talk on the last day with the majority looking at their watches in eager anticipation to have the program conclude.

    What came to mind now, though, is what if the resolutions in future district conventions would not only ask for a "resounding" response in the affirmative (YES!!), but will also ask for a show of hands. Afterall, who knows if Brother Elder and Sister Pioneer agreed with a "YES". But what if Brother Elder and Sister Pioneer didn't raise their hands in agreement?

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)

  • Pistoff

    I am OK; I covered my ears, and did the NANANANANANNANANANANANANA the whole time.

    No one even looked at me funny.

  • jayhawk1

    I can't recall ever saying "Aye!" to any resolutions.

    For that matter I didn't even say "YES!" to the two baptisim questions before my baptism.

  • Death to the Pixies
    Death to the Pixies
    Kid-A: 2) If you are defending the Jehovahs Witness faith, your direct violation of this oath demonstrates unequivocally that you do NOT believe the Governing Body is Gods representative on earth........SO, which is it? Do you have the courage to at the very least ADMIT, the GB must be wrong, if you feel no compunction in violating their directives?......

    Reply: This is an either/or fallacy. Not to say that some members of the CCJW do not think the GB are wrong here, I used to, but have you considered other more innocuous possibilities as to why some members of the CCJW may be participating on some forums? Have you ever had a bad habit that you cannot break? Have you ever done something you know in the end is fruitless but due to ego or some other weakness you find yourself partaking? Maybe having an argument with your spouse you know is a dead-end? I know the fruitlessness of internet debate, so I gave it up awhile back, but due to boredom, lack of self-control, I find myself reading visiting boards I know are total trash. It is like watching Bill O'reily or Sean Hannity, you know he is a blowhard but you must check in to see what is up.

    Threads (and points) like these are merely immature cheap shots from socially immature folks.

    And in this case, Self righteous too!

  • kid-A

    Oh Linda (aka DTTP),

    Surely you have realized by now that comments from trolls such as yourself have about as much impact and significance on this board a fart in a bottle?

    I do agree with you however, trolling on discussion boards is'nt a worthy use of your talents. Perhaps you should go back to nose-picking, finger painting, or some

    other such pursuit more worthy of your great intellect?

  • Arthur
    I know the fruitlessness of internet debate, so I gave it up awhile back, but due to boredom, lack of self-control, I find myself reading visiting boards I know are total trash.

    I noticed that this was your 132nd post. It seems as if you have been experiencing quite a lack of self-control and boredom lately.

    We are not impressed with people who attempt to climb up on a soap box and sanctimoniously wag their fingers at us. In just the few months that I have been here, I have seen several people of this type come and go. They are just a passing parade of circus characters.

    So, do us a favor, and please don't talk down to us as if you were some sort of school marm. It's rather dull and it's a waste of bandwidth.

  • Death to the Pixies
    Death to the Pixies

    Although I agree with your points Arthur, And true, Kid-A is guilty of what you assign him, the finger wagging, the soap box ie:

    "3 Hmmmm. Most of the "worldly" people I know KEEP THEIR WORD if they actually take an oath. What example are you setting for your brothers and sisters in the congregation??? "

    but in the end, he is still a good ....................Hey wait, you are actually talking to me...Odd.

  • AuldSoul

    I was seated outside the Columbus, GA center on a blue cooler with a white lid, wearing khaki shorts and a knit polo shirt. Someone had a radio out there. When it came time to say "Aye!" I yelled out "Nay!" at the top of my lungs. the two attendants snapped their heads around with wrinkled brow grooves you could drive a truck into.

    I said, "I don't agree with points 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7. If it is a real Resolution, then dissent is permissable, right?" They got a fairly irritated look and turned away. I said, "I'm disassociated, so you better not talk to me. I'm a 'wild danger'." (I got that expression from what my sister used to call beard-wearing motorcyclists) One of them turned and put his finger to his lips. I just chuckled and went back to playing my Sudoku puzzles.

    If any JW took that oath, they would be violating it by posting here. However, I applaud them for breaking their oath to that Pharisaical religion, for it surely is not an oath to God they are breaking.


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