I have heard from many people when I would go out in the ministry that "WE" witness do not believe in Jesus. When my mother first heard about me becoming interested in the Witness that is what she said. Ive seen some make that same statement here. It is interesting that on thier official website they have an article featured for all to read entitled..." How Jesus can change your life." What are your thoughts?
JW official website promoting Jesus?
by agapa37 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have heard from many people when I would go out in the ministry that "WE" witness do not believe in Jesus. When my mother first heard about me becoming interested in the Witness that is what she said. Ive seen some make that same statement here. It is interesting that on thier official website they have an article featured for all to read entitled..." How Jesus can change your life." What are your thoughts?
having been a witness, i can safely say the dubs believe in Jesus yes, but that doesn't mean they don't play down his importance. think about it, the organization 'represents' him and gives them a license in 'dub land' to do whatever they please. Luke 21:8 He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them. This is exactly what JW's do.
Hi agapa,
I don't think any exJW would say that JWs don't believe in Jesus. However, Jesus is relegated to a minor role. And in the last several years, there is more mention of the FDS than Jesus.
As far as the WT site featuring an article on Jesus - I say "it's about time."
However, Jesus is relegated to a minor roleWell, I must say that the article I read on the Website was far from relegating Jesus to a minor role. It stated that Jesus is the way to true happiness and is the only hope for mankind. That too me sounds like a very important figure. The article even encourages people to IMITATE him.
but do they practice what they preach? i can say a lot of nice things about George Bush but that don't mean i like him, - they claim they represent him and they were chosen by him (in an inspection done by Jesus - which there is no evidence to substantiate). According to that scripture is says avoid those ones.
the WBT society has its own agenda.
i was having a discussion with a JW recently and i asked how do you get to God - they said, from the Society, to Jesus, to God. This disagrees with EVERY SCRIPTURE and allows for the 'real' truth to be watered down, basically what if Jesus didn't have anything to do with the Society and they lied...
there are muslim extremists who promote islam, but they differ TOTALLY from your average muslim...
John 1: 1 new world translation:
1 In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god
John 1:1 Amplified bible (and most other translations)
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
That jws believe in Jesus is not in dispute, but they refuse to acknowledge his rightful position, even, as shown in the example above, adding words that weren't previously there to the scriptures.
I haven't read the article you refer to agapa, and won't be doing so, 25 years of wts bulls**t was more than enough for me, but I wouldn't mind betting that it "promotes" jehovah more than jesus. If it doesn't, it will be a first.
Wordly Andre
To Dub's Jesus is that guy they hire from the local Home Depot to clear up the weeds in the back yard!
That jws believe in Jesus is not in dispute, but they refuse to acknowledge his rightful position, even, as shown in the example above, adding words that weren't previously there to the scriptures.
All Bible translators add indefinite articles ( a, an ) in there rendering of scriptures. The way it is translated agrees with the context of the scripture. Jesus being a Mighty God does not demean him or lower his statis or role in any way.
Nathan Natas
Muslims say they believe in Jesus too; he was the second-greatest prophet. Does that make Muslims Chrisitian?
However, Jesus is relegated to a minor role.
agapa,I wasn't referring to the article - I'm referring to the collective doctrines, published materials, talks, etc. of JWs. How long has it been since you've been to a meeting?