The United Nations and The Watchtower Society
Having researched this issue thoroughly it was
the deciding factor on my leaving the organ-
ization. Taking into consideration both views
of apologists and apostates this was the
conclusion I drew regarding the matter.
The Watchtower Society's view of the United Nations
After having studied the Revelation book I was convinced that the United Nations was controlled
by Satan the Devil as we as Jehovah's Witnesses
were taught to believe.
As formerly mentioned I took into consideration what both sides had to
say regarding the issue. However, this statement was the nail in the
coffin regarding the organization.
The UN is actually a blasphemous counterfeit of God's Messianic Kingdom by his Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ—to whose princely rule there will be no end.
The Watchtower and the Blasphemous Counterfeit
The above excerpt is a statement, belief and a position regarding the
United Nations. No amount of camouflage words such as "registration"
used by the Watchtower Society was going to justify any sort of
involvement with the United Nations.
According to my way of thinking, it was over for the Watchtower. Although, years of doubts and other experiences made me think twice about the organization [generation change 1995] the deciding factor was the UN involvement.
The Wanderer