Hi All, I've been thinking a lot lately about the chapter in COC where Ray is talking about double standards and was wondering how many exist in the Organization today. One, that I've noticed is that employment issues seemed to be addressed differently depending on which congergation you are in. For instance, In a congregation in one city, a brother might be removed from a position if he goes to work for A fire department or EMS service because the shift work would require missing to many meetings, where as in another congergation you may have a respected elder that has such employment and everything is cool. Also, what ever happened to the rule that servants were suppose to be at the hall a minimum of 15 minutes before the meeting starts? It seems to be anymore that nobody encluding some elders, gets to the meeting until 5 minutes before it's time to start. Anybody out there want to add any others you've noticed? seek2find
Double Standards
by seek2find 10 Replies latest jw friends
We were in one congregation in Connecticut where the brothers frowned on anyone who was an executive in business because it meant they could have to travel and/or miss meetings. The PO cleaned buildings for a living, one servant was a bricklayer and another collected the coins out of parking meters.
My husband always thought they were all losers!
Greetings Nellie,
:My husband always thought they were all losers!
You husband was right on the money!
Another Double standard. Everyone should have jobs like Janitors and such,(unless you in one of the congergations that have more liberal views) but the orginazation need more money. Janitor Jobs and having plenty of money to donate, just don't seem to be compatible. seek2find
Nellie, Your husband was probaly right, those brothers were probaly in debt up to their eyebrows. I know several families in that situation today. Their increased activity in the congregation has been finianced by VISA and Mastercard, with bankruptcy in view in the future. Letting your "Yes mean yes" somehow can be set aside in their minds as long as the numbers on the service report keep looking good. seek2find
Lots of differences between congregations . Some of it is due to the need a congo has for men to even do the jobs. I can recall times when we were so short of M/S that we blind-eyed some things that would have been a reason not to appoint if we could afford to be fussy.
Some of it is also down to the personality of the P.O. and the influence that he holds over the rest of the body. If he is liberal then the congregation will be too.
yes, certain charasmatic elders certainly have an influence over what happens in the cong. i've heard stories of manatowoc cong. letting their elder kids get off on fornication charges because of their dad's position. one family that came to our cong. from ohio (im in wisconsin) was amazed at how witness kids could go to rock concerts in wisconsin without being df'd. that and drinking was not allowed in ohio (they lived in a dry county). also, drinking beer would not be allowed in certain cong. and was in other ones during witness gatherings. wow, that work gathering just sounds cultish!
Lady Liberty
Dear Seektofind,
Yes, a double standard that jumped out at me was when I heard that the Circuit Overseers will now be recieving some sort of retirement funds, when they are done serving. If, this is true then what a double standard indeed! Because the Society frowns down on anyone who plans ahead for retirement. Anyone who is putting money away and making future plans will not be looked at with favor among most congregations. We have a friend who is a financial advisor who was refused a position in the congregation even thogh he was very qualified by JW standards. His flaw: His job. He was not to be a elder because his job encouraged ones to put money aside for a system that may still be here later on in life, rather than relying on Jehovah that the end of the system would be here before retirement comes. What a joke!! Now if this retirement monies to the Circut Overseers is true, then I would consider this a huge double standard. Here the rank and file at old age will have nothing. But the very ones who told them not to plan ahead will have a cushion to fall back on in their old age. Has anyone else heard this?? It has been somethig I have heard since I left. But I heard it from a very reliable source. Still I want to make it clear that it is only heresay. Can someone verify??
Lady Liberty
Lady Liberty....how sad that your friend was refused the position because he's taking care of the nest egg. My guess is that it depends on how liberal your region/congregation is. My folks put into their 401k plan (they probably don't talk about it, though). I've never heard of that sort of counsel happening in my area.
Lady Liberty
Yes, it was quite a joke! I was suposed to be a "new system baby". Here I am with a daughter of my own. It angers me that most witnesses when they are of retirement age have nothing to speak of. All because they listened to mere "men", instead of using the brain that their God gave them to plan ahead for themselves. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lady Liberty