Have you ever had acupuncture? What else can I try for high blood pressure?

by dmouse 17 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • dmouse

    I had a bit of a shock last month when, in a routine check-up, my doc told me I had high blood pressure.

    I can't remember what the reading was the first time but the next few days it was averaging 150/100

    Not wanting to go on drugs for the rest of my life I decided to look at alternatives. There are some Chinese clinics in the town where I live so I tried one of those.

    They recommended a course of herbal medicine and acupuncture. I've had a few sessions and my blood pressure has dropped a bit - average 144/95 but I'm not happy with that. They tried something with glass bowls - acu-suction?

    My back now looks like I lost a fight with a very angry octopus!

  • Gill

    hi dmouse!

    I'm not hunting for the book at this time of night but you may find that magnesium supplements can bring down blood pressure quite dramatically. I'll find the information tomorrow for you, or you might be able to find some info on the net. Otherwise you could buy 'The miracle of magnesium' on amazon.

    Get back to you tomorrow.



  • xjwms

    I know what you mean about going on the drugs

    last month my blood pressure was 100 over 200

    I was told ..."anything...anytime"...

    still have not done anything yet.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    WOW! Talk about blood pressure!

    That photo made me pinch up a chunk of my chair until I recalled that one Chinese technique involves the use of what I can only describe (poorly) as "suction cups." http://www.i-c-m.org.uk/journal/2003/oct03/007.htm

    If they didn't use the cups on you, I'll be scared all over again worrying about unclean acupuncture needles.

    How is your weight and fitness level? Those can be factors, no?

  • serendipity

    If you haven't already, try drinking a lot of water and reducing your intake of salt, including processed foods. I've also heard that eating 5 stalks of celery a day helps with blood pressure.

    It seems it would be better to make lifestyle changes than to take medicine.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Take a look at this holistic site.... I really like it.... Earthclinic.com


  • bikerchic

    Hey dmouse;

    Not wanting to go on drugs for the rest of my life I decided to look at alternatives. There are some Chinese clinics in the town where I live so I tried one of those.

    They recommended a course of herbal medicine and acupuncture. I've had a few sessions and my blood pressure has dropped a bit - average 144/95 but I'm not happy with that. They tried something with glass bowls - acu-suction?

    First of all I think it's great you would rather look into alternatives (cures) than drugs (masking problem). One thing to keep in mind is that holistic cures take longer to achieve, remember you got that way over time and it takes almost as long (but not quite) to undo the dammage. The main difference is you can undo it and the body can cure itself given the proper diet and nutrients.

    Speaking of which here are some essential nutrients you may want to consider:

    Calcium and Magnesium, Garlic (Kyolic), L-Carnitine, L-glutamic acid and L-glutamine and Selenium.

    Some other very important ones are; Coenzyme Q10, Essential fatty acids, Vitamine C, Lecithin, Vitamin E and or octacosonol.

    You can read more on this and other maladies (whipee!) in this book:


    Prescription For Natural Healing by James F. Balch, MD and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C.

    This is perfectly doable and I wish you luck!

  • dilaceratus

    High blood pressure is not a joke diagnosis. There was one study (BBC link) that suggested that acupuncture used with electrical stimulation had some effect on rats. Notice that traditional acupuncture had no effect, so any moxibustion or cupping treatment would likely be as useless.

    Before you begin investigating unproven modalities you ought to familiarize yourself with www.quackwatch.org, particularly the "Questionable Products, Services, and Theories" section.

  • target

    Magnesium/potassium are very important and have a big impact on blood pressure. Also garlic capsules help a lot.And exercise.

    Speaking from experience here.


  • dmouse

    Thanks folks,

    I'm already taking coenzyme Q10 for the past two weeks. I'll look at the other stuff too, especially the magnesium and garlic. Celery has cropped up a few times too in recomendations - I wonder what's in it?

    Looks like a life-style change is in order if I'm to lower my blood pressure naturally. I started taking rose-hip extract for my joint problems which has worked very well, so I'm a bit of a natural remedy convert after years of scepticism!

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