Years ago, when I was 19 and SHP (Single Hot Pioneer), living at home of course, waitressing at Denny's, just living la vida loca. . .
Swingle stayed in our home for a District Ass. After the weekend and as he was saying his goodbyes, he grabbed my face and shook me back and forth and with a wide grin on his face said, "You need to come to Bethel to meet some of our Bethel boys, I'm tired of these colored girls coming to Bethel and taking our boys home." He stopped and looked at someone else in the room, and added, "I don't know why they fall for these colored girls."
No one said a word about it then, but I was horrified, being raised Hoho and taught to not see the color of people and all! Later, I brought it up to my folks who said I should forget about it, and surely Swingle didn't mean it.
Anyways, is it Lyman or Lymon? One of them is an ingredient in Sprite, one isn't.