Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-20-06 WT Study (MURMURINGS) Post 8/20

by blondie 50 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • agapa37

    Anewme his name is JEHOVAH not jehoba. You should be more respectful than that. he hasnt done one bad thing to you. Actually the things you love most is because of him. (Flowers, outdoors)

  • garybuss

    Well, the set up will be complete after next Sunday. First we had the "new light" studies, then we had the "change is good" studies, then the "end is near . . . again" assembly theme, then the "how to treat disfellowshipped relatives" study, and now we have the obligatory "murmuring" reprimands before the fact.
    The Watch Tower is predictable in that they are a company that does it's damage control months before the damage. The reason they can pre-control the damage control, is that they cause the damage. They schedule it.
    They KNOW there'll be murmuring after the shoe drops.
    I can't wait.

  • Poztate
    Anewme his name is JEHOVAH not jehoba. You should be more respectful than that.

    There is a common belief in modern Christendom that the divine name of God in the OT is "Jehovah." The most influential group advocating this pronunciation of God's name today is the Jehovah's Witnesses. This study is intended to demonstrate that the name "Jehovah" is not, and never was the name of God in the OT, but is an accidental, fabricated pronunciation of the divine name. Those who came up with this spelling/pronunciation did so from a misunderstanding of the Hebrew tetragrammaton "YHWH," as it appears in the OT text. The rendering of YHWH as "Yahweh" is much closer to the actual Hebrew name of God.

    They KNOW there'll be murmuring after the shoe drops.

    I can't wait.

    I hope this time no matter what "new light" they have that damage control will do them no good.

  • Sunspot

    agapa37 said;
    "Anewme his name is JEHOVAH not jehoba. You should be more respectful than that."

    Hmmm.....I was taught that no matter HOW we pronounce the name....we are on the approved side of things just to be saying it no matter what language or dialect is used. Who's to say that somewhere on the face of this earth that someone isn''t using this particular pronunciation? Picky-picky-picky-----not to mention terrible judgmental!

    "he hasnt done one bad thing to you."

    Perhaps not, but maybe some of his self-righteous PEOPLE have done some pretty rotten and uncalled for things to him! JWs, who claim to represent the God of LOVE....have a great reputation for doing hateful things to others whose consciences leave all the Watchtower hypocrisy and their totally unChristian behavior in the dust.

    "Actually the things you love most is because of him. (Flowers, outdoors)"

    I think most of us would agree with that....what we don't agree with is the lies that are covered over and the double standards in their teachings, the obvious and continuous need for the Watchtower to excercise control over its followers, and the requirements JWs MUST live under which are NOT from "GOD" in any way whatsoever.

    So....lighten up.....and think about the Watchtower cage you are living in. You MAY very well be instructed to drink little glasses of Kool Aid at your next convention.....and you had better NOT murmur or complain about "Jehovah's provisions" for you or you'll be told that you are guilty of "displeasing" him.....

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Can I murmur at not getting my regular dose of "Comments you will Not Hear" huh? pluuseeze? What?..... not even a drat...?



  • blondie

    I will post it tonight. It was hard slogging last night and I only got 1/3 of it done on top of the comedy of errors that led to it being late. Blondie can only slog through so much BS (and I don't mean bible study) every day.

    Check back tonight after 8 pm.


  • DannyHaszard

    Blondie is the best

  • DannyHaszard
    Anewme his name is JEHOVAH not jehoba. You should be more respectful than that. he hasnt done one bad thing to you. Actually the things you love most is because of him. (Flowers, outdoors)

  • Flash
    Blondie can only slog through so much BS

    I know what you mean. Even if subscriptions were still available I wouldn't read their crap! It's really because of your pointed and often witty commentary that I read the Review.

  • Klew

    Hey, All

    I was thinking about this whole discussion about murmuring. There is a bit about it in the new book released at this summer's convention as well. Must be a lot of murmuring going on out there to prompt a response.

    Hey, being positive is good, and murmuring is so negative, especially if its a heart murmur.

    As to looking at Biblical examples, how about all the horrid leaders that God's people Israel experienced? Where the Bible writers murmuring against David when Nathan reported that he shacked up with Bathsheba? How about the murmuring against Jehu for keeping the golden calves at Dan and Bethel? Not to mention the really bad guys like Ahab... The Biblical accounts are warning examples to keep on the watch and not follow our leaders blindly.

    -- Klew In

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