Im in a really bad mood

by chuckie77 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • chuckie77

    Ive just worked 40 days without a day off, on a boat with the same 26 people, and was meant to finish my rotation this Wednesday to have 6 weeks off. I have found out that my replacement isnt showing up and that I now have to work for at least another week. I had plans to meet up with my significant other in Thailand for 6 days on my way home to Australia, now those plans are shot. A further week isnt even all that long, but when you've been stuck at sea for 6 weeks, an extra week feels like a life time!

    Im so pissed off that there is no one to take over from me, and while the rest of the crew goes home to their respective countries, I stand and wave them goodbye.

    Anyway, just needed to vent to someone...

  • purplesofa

    I dont blame you.......

  • juni

    That would suck big time! You must have less seniority?


  • inbyathread

    I take it that you work on a fishing boat.

    Just be careful that last week. The distraction of anger could be life-threatening when working on a boat. You need to keep your thoughts on the work at hand or the least you could lose is one.

  • chuckie77
    I take it that you work on a fishing boat.

    Im actually the medic on a seismic vessel, there are no other medics in my company that are available to come out to take over. The contract states there needs to be a medic on board at all times so if I insist on going, the operation will shut down. The gas and oil bosses wouldnt be happy!!

  • lovelylil


    sorry to hear what happened. That really stinks!

    My hubby was a on a submarine in the navy. He used to tell me that if he was out to sea for a couple of weeks - he could not wait to get off and onto dry land. He said he felt totally cut off from the world and after a while it gets rough.

    So, again sorry. Lilly

  • Beachbender

    vent-ahoy! oops! sorry couldn`t help myself !! That does suck for you sorry to hear about your luck. Hang in there.

  • BizzyBee

    Is there a dog onboard that you could kick?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Sorry to hear that chuckie, I'm not surprised you're pi$$ed off, I would be.

  • serendipity

    You have every right to be pissed! Depending on the reason your replacement didn't show (i.e. illness or death in the family) ask your bosses how to prevent this in the future, as it ruined your vacation plans.

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