You know, that's not a bad idea, make them go to Cuba to get their cash...from Fidel Castro. Haha.
by Outaservice 22 Replies latest jw friends
Bill and Joan Cetnar were disinherited. As I understand it, the inheritence involved was HUGE as it came from some sort of chain store business.
Someone here can probably has the details.
I have seen many parents try to control their children by periodically disinheriting them and 'inheriting' them based on their 'proper' behavior.
Personally, I figure it is their money to give to whomever they want. Once I hit 18, they were no longer obligated to give me a dime.
Once my parents understood that the inheriting/disinheriting game would not work with me they went on to another game.
The only way to win the game, is not to play.