*** w83 7/1 p. 4 "A Form of Godly Devotion" ***
Form of Godly Devotion"IN THE face of dwindling support, the churches are trying desperately to rally or revive their membership. But the tactics they employ often make things worse. They exploit the pleasure-oriented mentality. How so? Consider a few examples of what the churches are doing to lure the unchurched to the pews:
"Today there are 3,000 clown ministry groups in the U.S. who put on big noses and suits of many colors in order to serve God," reports Time magazine. Troupes calling themselves ‘Fools for Christ’ or ‘Holy Fools’ dance, juggle, mime, ride bicycles in church and pass out popcorn and throw confetti and balloons at the congregation. In Saskatoon, Canada, a convention of the Canadian Association for Pastoral Education included a course in "Christian clowning" as a means of reaching people.
w65 6/1 p. 329 par. 6 Joyfulness All the Day Long ***To be sure, this old system is full of entertainers, merrymakers and clowns of all sorts, not to mention peddlers of the so-called "happy pills," all of whom induce much lighthearted laughter among those who are "lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God." (2 Tim. 3:4)