From the years 500 bce to 800 ce, the religion is in its classical age. According to Religious Studies done at the
WTF? Cancelling our Karma.
by Sparkplug 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It lost some of my post...darn.
I just want to mess around with it. Keep some sort of balance in there and just jack with the numbers so that maybe I can come back as Johnny Cash!
you like wearing black?
Yes, I've read some of this too. According to some forms of Buddhism, individuals can accumulate "good karma" by refrainining from "sin" and doing good works; thereby attaining a higher plane of consciousness in the next life cycle. It is believed that the Buddha was able to attain enlightenment because of his striving toward spiritual purity throughout several past life times. Many Hindus believe the same regarding many of their spiritual sages and Yogis.
Some Buddhist beliefs teach that the exact timing of a person's death is karmically set a birth. Therefore, they teach that material striving is trivial, and that striving for spiritual purity in this lifetime is of utmost importance.
I have even read of idividuals of the Buddhist persuasion claim that Jesus himself made references to Karma and rebirth (i.e., his reference to Jesse returning as John the Baptist).
Some of this stuff is pretty far out there. It does makes for some fascinating reading though.
do i sound stupid by saying that flew over my head?
<--------------- like that cloud
But the Google ad you attracted was very
He he.. I just want to be able to say, "Hello...I'm Johnny Cash without sounding gay."
Ohh and sing 'Folsom Prison Blues'.......I love that song.
I grew up listening to him. Can't believe he's come back around!
Ooooh and yes, black is slimming, a color of protection in some beliefs, all purpose and looks good with silver rings.
I just remembered something. I remember the comedian Jackie Mason making a joke about karma and rebirth. He once said that if he could chose what he could come back reincarnated as, he would chose to be a woman's bicycle seat. I just about fell on the floor laughing when I heard that.
I wear mostly black and white.......with lots of silver........ My name is Sue........How do you do?!?!??!?! -
I learned last night that one should google often...!