I am proud to announce the delivery of a bouncing 'baby' girl, 120 or so pounds and about 63 inches long, after an uneventful 11 hour drive.
In other words, I've "imported a daughter" (she's posted a little here under the handle Abbadette). She's sixteen now and has decided to come and live with her dad. As this involves changing country, leaving her mum, brother, sister and friends behind, and going to school where she doesn't (yet) understand a word of the language it is (in my biased opinion) really rather brave.
I also think my fiance is being an absolute star having our nice little intimate world changed by a kid far larger and far sooner than she'd expected, and one she's not related to. She is utterly fab and seeing her with Abbadette make my ovaries throb (if you know what I mean)... and having just moved house and converted an attic for her we have a baby room too... but that's a year or so away yet.
Due to my x being largely inactive these past five years, and also due to Abbadette having a rather good brain, she doesn't exactly need 'deprogramming' as she already knows "the truth" isn't, but does need a lot of catching up on normal teenage experiences and family life as things have been increasinglyard for her at home the past few year. We're gonna have to drill a hole in the ceiling to fit the fricking Christmas tree we're getting this year!!!
I'll have internet back up at my new house shortly and am sure you'll see her here.
I don't really have to say how happy and content this makes me, do I?