My "Peculiarity"...

by AGuest 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Dearest Pubsinger... may you have peace.

    My understanding from my Lord is this:

    While I have been 'conceived', in other words, while the regenerative power of my Father, holy spirit, has 'fertilized' the seed of the woman that is hidden in my 'earthen vessel', it is when I put OFF that 'vessel' that I am 'born'... again. "It is sown in corruption; it is raised up in INcorruption."

    Because I am still in the flesh, then, the 'befouled garment', and have not yet received a 'white robe'... the SPIRIT body... I have not yet been 'born'. I am granted to 'go in and out' of the Holy and Most Holy of my Father's 'temple', to go before His throne and the throne of my Lord, where I have been many times, due to 'righteousness' being 'imputed' to me, by means of holy spirit, through Christ. I have not, however, been granted RESIDENCY in that kingdom... yet.

    You see, although we can, through Christ, entered in before God, we can enter in... the TEMPLE. However, because flesh, with its blood, cannot enter into the KINGDOM... it is not until we have put off the flesh, and put ON the spirit... permanently... that such 'entry' is granted. I can only enter temporarily, and then only before the person of God. I can go nowhere else... in that kingdom. Yet.

    I hope this explains what I understand to be true. As for whether I am 'serious or just a wind up'... I can tell you in all sincerity, that I am quite serious. Others, however, will, of course, tell you different. As they would me, about you. May I suggest then, if you are 'lacking in wisdom' on this matter, that you simply ask the Father, through the Son? I see no reason why He would not answer you. And all YOU need do is put faith in the answer.

    I bid you peace, and I am,

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • JustAThought


    What happened to those hearts which had been poked, pierced, damaged, and, subsequentially, withered?


  • Farkel

    : At the outset, please let me state that this is not a thread intended to 'glorify' me.

    You can "state" it all you want.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • claudia

    Shelby, you DO want to glorify yourself. You seem to have an unquenchable thirts for attention.

  • Julie


    I think you are extremely delusional and I fear you are likely an unfit mother. No one as insane as you should be raising kids. May God save us from his people--


  • Tatiana

    Shelby, can I PLEEEEEEASE have some of what you're smoking???


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • AGuest
    What happened to those hearts which had been poked, pierced, damaged, and, subsequentially, withered?

    Peace to you... and I tell you, truly, dear one... I do not know.

    You can state it all you want...

    Doug, dear one, peace to you, too. And... thank you. I appreciate your... er, 'permission'.

    Shelby, you DO want to glorify yourself. You seem to have an unquenchable thirts for attention.

    (Dang! Try to share something with someone, TRY to state the truth from the outset... and STILL get flack. Damned if ya do... damned if ya don't...)

    Claudia, dear one, may you have peace and, may I say, honey, that my name was not hidden on this post. Please, feel free to NOT give me ANY 'attention'. You can start by NOT opening threads from me. K?

    I think you are extremely delusional and I fear you are likely an unfit mother. No one as insane as you should be raising kids. May God save us from his people--

    And, dear Julie (may you have peace, as well), I think you have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about. Truly. My children, a girl and a boy... excuse me, a WOMAN and a MAN... are age 24 and 19. Both have good jobs (worked since age 14, both); NO children because neither are married; no drugs, no alcohol, no gangs, no criminal record. BOTH mentor children and teens; BOTH are very loved and well-liked not only among their peers, but among MY peers and their co-workers, as well. My daughter's entire department just threw her a birthday/housewarming party. A couple months ago, my son received an award from the California State Legislature for mentoring. BOTH attend(ed) CSUS; my son, who started there at age 16, is a criminal justice major; my daughter, a biology major. BOTH have been asked, time and again, by elders and others, to return to the Kingdom Hall. BOTH... have refused.

    BOTH love JAH... and Christ... and me. And BOTH... accept my anointing... with NO problem. Why? Because unlike YOU... they KNOW... me. They saw it occur. Was there through the whole thing. You, unfortunately, were not.

    Now, I may be a LOT of things, Miss Julie, in the eyes of a LOT of people... but I must let you know that when it comes to my children... and my abilities as a mother... I can tend to be a little less than 'christian'. I WILL reply to you, and I WILL defend my abilities... in that area.

    So, now, dear one, if YOU have 'kids'... I suggest you focus on them... and unless you have something GOOD to say... keep mine... out of your mouth, your mind... and your heart. Please. My 'kids'... were raised... just fine. To the BEST of my ability... and with the help of my Lord. And they are QUITE okay. QUITE.

    .. wondering why some of these here, who obviously have SO many problems with me... bothered to open this thread... and comment...

    A slave of Christ,


  • Cassiline

    If you have children and remember Nickelodian, the childs TV program, There was a spot, about insideoutboy.

    I JUST have read above posting and know INSIDEOUTBOY/GIRL LIVES!!!!!


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Julie

    Well Shelby--

    I guess we can all be thankful they grew up before yo slipped deeply into the world of lunacy.

    I opened this thread and read your post for one simple reason Shelby. I marvel that there are people out there that have such a mindset as yours. On one hand you claim to me in a thread (that I still await your reply in BTW) that you never said God spoke to you. Now you make even more bizarre claims (other than those you denied) that you have been taken and shown things by "my lord".

    Truth be told it frightens me that there are such zealots as you in the world. Of course we need only to turn on the TV and watch the devastation to this great nation to know that zealots exist and the damamge they can do.

    Lunatic Zealots make me frightened for my children.


  • toddy

    Dear AGuest,i have to admit i have had trouble understanding previous posts written by you but i think i get this one,are you relating your dream/vision to what strenth peoples beliefs are,take me,i have no belief in any god so if i was in your dream/vision i would be standing there without a heart?

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