Hey Kitten
by lowden 25 Replies latest jw friends
Now I'm confused
No you're not, you're Dismembered! Confused is another poster!!
Them damn sheep lowden! there is a place near me called dovestones, only about 10 mins away and the sheep are a pain in the ass.
Hope ya go to ians curry thingy! -
What time is it in england. It's 2:45 in chicago.
20:45pm mate
Hey Lowden
An interesting comparison Lowden
I used to see myself as a sheep, so I suppose I was "licking the tarmac" for over half my life bfore I finally raised my head.
Yeah FoDN, alot of us were 'licking the TARMAC'.
I know i did, for 15 years.
It wasn't a pointless 15 years but thanks be to......oh i don't know....the great benevolent UNIVERSE, that i heard the 'car horn'.
Thanks KW, although I'm not good at army time.
lolol yes sheep arent well known for being intelligent animals thats for sure! I know what you mean about them standing around in the road licking it, the reason they actually do this is to get the salt deposits left over from winter time when they put the grit on the roads to stop it icing. This eventually dissolves down into white dust which settles in the cracks in the road and when it is warm weather I think the tar and salt dust heats up and they just seem to love it! I think rabbits, hares and small furries like to lick it off as well. You always get more flattened fauna (roadkill) in the summer months than you do in the winter time.
Slinky - ex sheep keeper I used to have a tame flock of 20 sheep they were lovely!