Intelligent Design

by M*A*S*H 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Arthur
    But it wouldn't surprise me if they admitted that "micro" evolution exists. You can't deny it, but people who usually make a distinction between "micro" and "macro" evolution don't realize that they are the same thing. So called macro-evolution is basically micro-evolution over a longer period of time!

    I wouldn't be so sure. Never underestimate the WTS's talent for intellectual gymnastics when it comes to explaining away scientific evidence. I remember the rediculous statements they made in the Creation Book regarding the Galapagos finches. They pulled the same trick that all fundamentalists do and said that these finches were merely "nothing more than another example of variety within a kind". They pull this stunt every time transitional fossils of other species are discovered. They glibly proclaim that no transitional fossils have ever been discovered; yet when such transitional species are unearthed, they conveniently say that it is just another "variation within a kind".

  • plmkrzy

    It wouldn't surprise me if in 30 or 40 years they find a way to include evolution with creation. Or maybe G created then erased then recreated.

  • Arthur
    It wouldn't surprise me if in 30 or 40 years they find a way to include evolution with creation

    Believe it or not, the teaching of evolution would actually bolster the belief in the global flood theory. Why? Consider this:

    There are some 250,000 species of beetles worldwide. Is one to really believe that Noah was able to gather all of these different species into the ark? (most of which only live in certain climates, and regions) This is extremely far-fetched; considering the fact that some beetles only have life spans of a matter of days. This means that many species would have had to evolve after the flood.

    What about ocean life? If we are to believe that the oceans were much shallower before the flood (as the WTS teaches), then this means that many species in existence today would have never been able to survive back then. This is because their bodies are designed for depth pressures far deeper than what the oceans were back then. That means that these speicies must have evolved their characteristics after the flood.

    Of course I don't really believe in the flood. I'm just saying that evolutionary biology might help out the WTS in their rediculous claims that the global flood was real.

  • gaiagirl

    I spoke about evolution last week with a Christian co-worker who believes in creationism. When I asked what he thought Archeopteryx was, with its toothed beak and claws on its wings, he replied that was simply the way God created it. To his mind, all the creatures which left fossils did actually exist, but they were not related to other creatures which lived before or after. Each was created separately, and lived for as long as God wanted them to live. Apparantly, God has never stopped creating new types of creatures. I then told my co-worker that I had read the Bible, and asked "Have you ever read Darwin's book"? His reply was (verbatim) "Fuck Darwins Book!". So, I decided that this person was not open to reason, since they argued about topics which they have not researched. "When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears it, that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation" Prov 18:13

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