He is 29, and YES he is a Mama's boy. Runs to her for everything and then pretty soon I get a phone call from her....She has done everything for him sice the day he was born. He has never had to take responsibility for himself becasue she will. If he, God Forbid, has to work more than 40 hours a week, I sure enough, get a phone call about it, as if its my fault. Or, if I ask him to do stuff around the house, she will call and remark about how hard he has been working and he is so tired and his poor back etc....
But I also think he is INCREDIBLY selfish (uh-oh, now Ive started venting). He always has his comfort in the fore front of his mind, and everybody else is a distant second. I find that very difficult to live with, because we have a duaghter and another on the way, and this family is my absolute life. My daughter is always my first concern, and I don't understand putting yourself ahead of your kids. Is that a Mom thing???
I really just want him to step up to the plate, be a man, all that stuff. Don't know what it is going to take.....