After you show up to the meetings, act humble and embarrassed for your wrong doing, the elders will approach you and let you know that they have noticed you coming to the hall. Depending on your transgression, they will meet w/ you again months later. But you have to go to all mtgs at the hall. Ultimately, the elders will meet w/ you again and reinstate you and then depending on your transgression and the length of time you are out, they may put limits on what you can and cannot do. For example, a GF was counseled and left for a long time, she was never DF'd or DA'd. When she did return, the elders met w/ her and told her that in order for her to be able to answer at meetings and go out in service, she would need to study w/ elder so-and-so's wife. Each congo is different because it is based on the BOE and what they chose to do.