Reasons why people stay in the organization. If you want to be a better speaker, it is cheaper to take a class and emotionally safer.
Reasons why women stay with an abusive partner
There are many reasons for staying with an abusive partner. The abused woman may fear what her partner will do if she leaves, or she may believe that staying with him is better for the children.
Fear of the effect of being shunned by every person/relative they know because the abusive organization directs them to do so.
There are also practical considerations to take into account. She may not have access to money, or anywhere to go.
Many JWs are tightly connected financially to other JWs and would lose their jobs or business if they separated.
She may not know where to turn for help, particularly if English is not her first language. And when she is emotionally and financially dependent on her partner she can be very isolated.
The world outside the organization is demonized by the WTS and it isolates its members from family, friends, neighbors and workmates as agents of Satan.
Women from different cultures can find it particularly difficult to leave an abusive man as this would bring shame on both themselves and their family. They may feel they are betraying their community if they contact the police.
Leaving brings shame on family and the organization.
An abused woman's self-esteem will have been steadily worn down. She may not believe she will manage on her own, or that she has any other options. She may have been brainwashed into thinking she's worthless. She will feel ashamed of what has happened and perhaps convinced it is her fault.
She hopes her partner will change. She remembers the good times at the start of the relationship and hopes they will return. In emotional terms she has made a huge investment in the relationship and she wants it to work.