Here we go - elder's hassle AK Jeff - round three.....

by AK - Jeff 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    First in April - I get a call from two elder's trying to set up a meeting I assume [ I told them not interested in speaking to them and hung up ] some may recall that thread.

    Then last month - two more show up at the house, and Wifey ignores them at the door. [I am at work]

    Tonight - 'Brother T' calls on the phone and asks for me. I was gone, just finishing a glorious round of golf on a glorious day. She told him I was out and that I worked on the weekends, and that she could not suggest the best time to reach me.

    So the 'hunt' for Red-Apostate continues. What ludricrous, ham-bone mentality! Power tripping down theocratic fantasy lane is all they have to do with thier time.

    I expect they will soon abandon the personal search and send a standard 'You are invited to a JC meeting' letter soon. Stay tuned.

    BTW - I shot a 41 on the back. Should of been a 38 but I blew up on 17 and 18.


  • Outaservice

    I always shoot in the low 70's!

    If it gets any colder than that, I stay home!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    BTW - I shot a 41 on the back. Should of been a 38 but I blew up on 17 and 18.

    yep.... it sounds like you were really concerned about their visit.

  • Sunspot

    Sorry for the hassle.....they are notorious pompous jerks when it comes to this! When I wrote my DA letter, after months and months of not paying the least bit of attention to me OR to see how I was doing.....I suddenly had these two same elders banging on my door constantly and ALWAYS just AFTER my hubby left for work. (He goes in at different times every day so they HAD to be sitting and waiting for him to leave)

    I got so upset with them for their audacity and their obvious attitude of not giving a damn that I did NOT wish to speak to them (I had said so in my DA letter) and that they still felt they had some kind of "hold" over was infuriating. They ended up going to where my hubby works and telling him that I HAD to speak with them!

    This made me even MORE angry with hubby was getting on my case asking me to just talk to them the one time and be done with it. I still held my they continued to come by and bang on the door when hubby was not here. At that time, I was in the wheelchair or on good days---crutches---and I'm five feet tall.....and they probably figured they could intimidate me until I "gave in to didn't happen.

    I finally put up a sign on the front porch that could be seen from the road---painted in my grandson's day-glo orange and purple paints---announcing "NO JWs" and that the LAW would be called if this warning was ignored! Not my usual style---but it worked. They never came back again! Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that, and I was DESPERATE to have these fools back OFF once and for all.

    It is amazing when you see how these "loving shepherds" really are......I had done nothing wrong except to wish to be left alone.....nothing scripturally deserving of DFing...and they were just SO determined to have things their the WTS trains its followers to do.

    Stick to your guns and keep a sense of humor if you can.....I wish I had saved that cardboard sign I painted---it would have been good for a few laughs down through the years, LOL!



  • ozziepost

    G'day Jeff,

    Something to look forward to, eh?

    I meant the borg, not the greens!

    Cheers to all the family,


  • carla

    Why don't you put a 'no trespassing' sign up and get caller id?

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Is your wife still a JW? why not just get it over with tell them to go to hell (sorry Sleep) and leave you alone?

  • crazyblondeb

    Any golf score is better than mine. I hit the mud farther than the golf balls!

  • jgnat
    She told him I was out and that I worked on the weekends, and that she could not suggest the best time to reach me.

    She's a keeper, that's for sure.

    What part of "go away" don't they understand? Is there a blank spot on their form that they must, must must fill in before they send it to HQ? (Reason for leaving______________). To keep pestering you makes them look like zombies.

    Funny thing is, as soon as they deem you a spiritual hazard, they won't be able to get away fast enough. Oooooh, ........Satanic thinking.........must leave........quickly.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I'm sorry to hear you are being hassled Jeff, but if your elders are anything like mine, they won't back off until they've resolved the matter, so I guess it's a jc for you, or a da letter, which is what I did.

    Don't you just feel like telling them to get a life?


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