IN conjunction with my Appeal for Calm, I might add that when we are working on a construction project and hit our thumb with the hammer, we might scream, cuss, and throw the hammer at something out of a sense of anger with the event and with ourselevs.
If my co-wroker hits me with the hammer, then I might turn and take a swing at him out of an immediate reactive sense to defend myself. Likely, I might cuss him out, scream, and threaten.
As the pain subsides, I might then start to calm, and look at what happened and determine needs to take place. I could accept an apology and move on, or if I thought it was deliberate action on his part, I might take it to the boss and get some sense of justice.
Our nation, and really all good nations, were hit with a hard hammer Tuesday. We were stunned, then felt anger as the pain set in. We have mostly struck back with words. Some defensive actions are now in place. But as our nation calms, I am sure our actions will be tempered with wise decisions. - Amazing