obesity is also a very serious condition - as is alcoholism - depression - PMS - the list of them is endless. i work in media and know the power of weight loss/fitness/get healthy claims....as a former witness I also have seen the effects of kids and adults that do not participate in competitive sports- are bored becasue of not getting involved - watch way too much tv/video games instead of learning how to do stuff
Imagine for a moment an Awake article coming out- or something in the MS (or is it called the Kingdom Service???) telling the RF that not loosing weight- bringing compulsive eating under control - was going to be a JC offense- who are these healthy elders that are going to counsel/throw the first stone- imagine the "Worldly" media picking up on this..... "Pray to Loose Weight now - Ask me How" - how many publishers could go door to door with that one???
I remember seeing an elder - a very very very BIG man - eat like a glutton after a meeting - I was staying over visiting a girlfriend and he emptied almost an entire gallon of ice cream on a Turkey Platter as did his son and they stuffed themselves. i remember telling my mom- I was just in AWE.....this is the same elder that - ah, but that's another story....
I think they are very careful not to make anything too hard to prosecute as a DFing offense- plus who will help- surly not the elders! and it's not like smoking was for some reason I remember one poor "sister" who just couldn't quit- got DFed- (I think she had a year to quit) and the town still talks about it....
Anorexia/Bulimia are easier to pin on the individuals vanity, closeness to worldly activities and association etc.....