The most depressing feature about reading any piece of WT literature is the fraquency with which one is confronted with the blatant application of dishonesty. The process has been indulged in for so long, in so many ways, with so many varieties, that I feel convinced that the writers of WT literature are now incapable of distinguishing the unvarnished truth from flasehood.
It takes a certain deft skill in crafting a speciment of WT literature, any literature, whether it be a simple invitation to an assembly as above, or a weighty theological treatise such as the "Trinity" brochure.Every literary device, every grammatical nuance, every semantical equivocation, which the written word is capable of, is recruited to undergird the one basic dogma which is the summation of all WT identity: The WT Society is always RIGHT. For instance, in the Trinity brochure the nimble use of ellipses..... has succeeded in making the most venerable institutes of learning say exactly the opposite of what the writers intended to say.
One can but only admire the way that the writers of WT material manage with such artifice, to be so flagrantly dishonest, yet simultaneously appear so sincere. In fact it has been said by others whose perception into WT improbity far exceeds mine, that the sucess of this craft has often depended on the writers ability to fake sincerity. The appropriate maxim here appears to be: Once you can fake sincerity to the level of that found in WT writings, you are then well on your way to being an effective WT spokesperson.
The irony is that it is us, who can see, with the clarity of people so long deceived, the decepitutde for which the WT is capable of in its writing. As there comes to be more of us, the more this filth can be exposed.