"KNOCKING" DVD now available, anyone see it yet?

by Apostate Kate 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Received in email; (I didn't see it posted here) sounds really discustingly pro JW.

    August 21, 2006

    Go to www.knocking.org and click on the “ORDER DVD NOW” button found in the
    upper left corner of the screen. Get 15% discount on orders of three or more

    The DVD contains a 63-minute film festival version that is 10 minutes longer
    than what will be broadcast nationally in the United States on PBS in May
    2007. The feature presentation is Closed Captioned in English. The DVD is
    "All Region" and will play on newer DVD players in Europe and Australia (it
    will not be compatible every DVD player outside North America, especially
    older models).

    We’ve spent many months putting together lots of extra features on the DVD.
    There are more than 3 hours of additional material, including:
    * Short film about Jehovah's Witnesses and free speech cases at the U.S.
    Supreme Court
    * Behind-the-scenes interviews with the directors
    * Segment on "Street Witnessing"
    * Special lecture series. The lecture series features expanded interviews
    with leading experts in the areas of civil liberties, medical ethics and
    Holocaust history. Each expert comments on the contributions of Jehovah's
    Witnesses. There are also rare, official interviews with representatives of
    the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses
    * Study and discussion guide. A printed 48-page booklet comes with each DVD,
    providing in-depth historical and social analysis. Extra copies can be
    opened and printed from the DVD on your computer.

    KNOCKING has played at a number of film festivals and has won several
    awards. It will be broadcast nationally in the United States on the PBS
    series "Independent Lens" in May 2007. Get your own sneak preview by
    ordering the DVD now.
    Film Festival awards:
    *Best Documentary, Jury Award, 2006 USA Film Festival (Dallas)
    *Best Documentary, Jury Award, 2006 Trenton Film Festival (New Jersey)
    *Best Documentary, Audience Award, 2006 Indianapolis International Film
    *Best First Film, Jury Award, 2006 Long Island International Film Expo (New
    *Official Selection, 2006 Cleveland International Film Festival

    The New York-based Watchtower Society directs the worldwide ministry of
    Jehovah's Witnesses. It publishes the Watchtower magazine and other
    religious books and journals distributed by Jehovah's Witnesses. Viewers who
    would like to know more about the role of the Watchtower Society in the
    production of KNOCKING may call Watchtower at 718-560-5600 (weekdays between
    8am and 5pm Eastern time). KNOCKING is an independent film production.
    Watchtower cooperated with the film's producers, providing them with
    archival material, granting interviews and permitting their cameras access
    to Watchtower's headquarters. KNOCKING's camera crews were also allowed to
    film at a district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, inside local Kingdom
    Halls and accompany Witnesses in the door-to-door visitation work.
    Watchtower had no editorial control over the program, but the producers
    provided an advance courtesy screening of the completed film.

    "I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I think KNOCKING would be a favorable
    screening for Witnesses and non-Witnesses alike. I had the pleasure of being
    at the screening of your documentary in Trenton, New Jersey at our city's
    recent film festival. I found KNOCKING to be fresh, enlightening and fair."
    Terri Taylor
    New Jersey

    "KNOCKING was a knockout! It was fair, honest and factual. You couldn't have
    picked better subjects than the Kempler and Thomas families. Best of all, it
    was told by non-witnesses. Congratulations."
    Ellen Williams and Anna Turner
    Long Island, New York

    "We wanted to let you all know that we really appreciated the fair depiction
    of Jehovah's Witnesses contained in your film. Four of us from Cleveland,
    Ohio traveled to Flint, Michigan to see it, and it was wonderful. We all
    cried as we watched the movie! Once again, thank you for an accurate and
    interesting portrayal of Jehovah's Witnesses. We look forward to seeing the
    Marla Roberts, Lashella Carroll, Sonya Parker and Paulette Murray
    Cleveland, Ohio

    "I just got in from the Long Island screening of Knocking and I had to write
    to express my feelings. It was wonderful! As one of Jehovah's witnesses for
    35 years, I was a little wary when I first heard about this film. I've been
    used to inaccurate reports from the media over the years and was thrilled to
    experience your fair and accurate documentary. I shed a few tears during the
    sections dealing with Seth Thomas and his father, and of course the
    experiences of Joseph Kempler. Thank you for your film and for being fair
    and accurate about our beliefs and way of life."
    Alick C. Samuels
    Cambria Heights, New York

    "I was very impressed with your film and its four perspectives: 1) the blood
    issue; 2) our relationship with non-JW family members; 3) JWs & the Nazis;
    4) JWs and civil rights. The delivery of these very important issues was
    nicely demonstrated in the film. When I returned home I immediately told my
    friends and family about this wonderful film. Thank you for your fairness
    and good research."
    Helen Cole
    New York

    "Thank you so much for giving our beliefs a fair shake."
    Luanne Longan
    Retired English professor, Gadsden State Community College

    "Riveting and illuminating. KNOCKING takes us inside the world of Jehovah's
    Witnesses in a way that is utterly surprising and moving."
    -- Anderson Cooper, CNN

    "A compelling documentary. KNOCKING affirms the principle that in a free
    society, the protection of religious liberty and the advancement of personal
    freedoms need not be competing values.”
    -- Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union

    "A thoughtful telling of an important, often-overlooked story about
    essential American issues.”
    -- Jon Meacham, Managing Editor, Newsweek

    “KNOCKING contains a wonderful surprise: It shows how science and religion,
    with worldviews that rarely overlap, can reach a common goal – the use of
    less blood in medicine – even if for very different reasons.”
    -- Arthur Caplan, Chair, Department of Medical Ethics, University of

    "An absorbing account of a misunderstood religious movement and its
    relationship to contemporary culture. KNOCKING raises important questions
    about how we know and how we consider the religious "other," and through its
    own presentation, causes us to re-think the way media represent them."
    -- Stewart M. Hoover, Director, Center for Media, Religion and Culture,
    University of Colorado

    Receive a 15% discount when purchasing 3 or more DVDs. Regular price of each
    DVD is $29.95.

    Guarantee your copy. We are making a limited first-run of DVDs to assess
    interest. If you want one of these first DVDs, best to pre-order now.
    Pre-orders will be shipped between Sept. 15-30. If interest is high, we will
    produce more DVDs.

    We accept most credit cards through a secure online shopping cart. Checks
    and money orders are also accepted. Go to www.knocking.org and click on the
    "ORDER DVD NOW" button found in the upper left corner of the screen to begin
    the secure online ordering process. Only the "regular shipping" option is
    available for this pre-order period. DVDs will be shipped between Sept.

    This Update is sponsored by Open Door Films, and is provided as a public
    service to support conversations around the film, "Knocking." If you wish
    to unsubscribe from this newsletter, just send a blank email to
    [email protected].

  • mama1119

    Is there anywhere else you can get it besides online???

  • LennyinBluemont

    I'll bet all my bound volumes that this is an inside job, WT financed. After finding out about the UN thing, I don't put anything past em. Remember "Faith on the March", a book about witnesses supposedly published by an outside source, but it was really a WT sponsored project, by MacMillan, I think, designed to appeal to people who refused "Watchtower" (OK, how do you guys insert the TM symbol?) literature. More propaganda from the UN's bitch.


  • HadEnuf

    An absolutely brilliant piece of propaganda. The only people who will think that it's a "fair" representation of the JW beliefs and practices are JW's and the uninformed public.

    PBS should be ashamed to air this without the "view from the other side" of X-JW's.

    I remember e-mailing PBS about this "other side" of the JW religion. I guess it fell on plugged up ears.

  • carla

    PBS hasn't aired it yet, has it? Speak with your pocket books, do not buy from their onair auction or donate to it. Write them and let them know you will not be supporting PBS if they air this piece of propaganda.

  • truthsetsonefree

    This 'documentary' should not even air. It is advertising. Incidentally, a fellow JW I work with called Bethel and was told that while the WTS isn't promoting it, they and the GB are in favor of it. The Knocking personnel were allowed in Bethel to film and interview.

  • ellderwho

    I suppose its like writing an auto-biography

  • akamai

    No, but it should be a nice money maker for Joel P. Engardio who was raised a JW, and his mom who still is a JW. At least this info was in his bio ,unlike Morley Cole, who was a JW but no mention in the flap of his book back in 1955. The fact that Joel was given good access to Bethel, and offering bulk discounts to JW's for the DVD's leads me to believe that this will be a "Christmas" gift to any "worldly" family members of JW's, so that they can "just be understood"......yada....yada.....yada

  • serendipity

    Welcome akamai!


    I wonder if the illegal alien selling pirated dvds at the taco truck will have this "documentary" at cost?

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