When I left the Witnesses, a person from work gave me a video about the Witnesses that his church uses. I thought it would be interesting, so I set down and watched it. What I found was another example of one church taking about another, to then counter with points that support their way of thinking. I read some books on the Witnesses, and again I found authors saying something negative about the Witnesses and countering with their interpretation of the Bible. Now I realize that people do go from the Witnesses and often join other churches, I also realize that the nature within a person is to support yourself by putting down another and stepping on them to lift ourselves higher.
The thing is, I think the Witnesses could easily be shown to be a wrong religion, by their actions alone. The idea of using them, to do a "we will show you how they are wrong, and set you on the right path." Is so annoying to me, and something I find to be the most negative slant I have run in to, when reading and watching things on the Witnesses. There have been some that are not this way, and they just go into talking about some of the hidden truths to the organization and the way things are done. I like those, and there have been a view. I especially get irritated though when I see the preaching, or when people make things up about what they "Supposedly heard" from someone.
Face it, the Witnesses are just not that hard to expose for what they are, and preaching and trying to use them to convert people to another religion is just not necessary. Did others feel this way when they read things or watched things on the Witnesses.