....(or they didn't like the dog drinking out of it and then coming right over licking them???)
I don't like animals licking me, ever. They lick their backsides and turn around and lick people. How gross is that? And I see people, like my sister that will let her dogs drink from her cup and then watch her drink right after them. Dogs: nasty whether they drink from the comode or not.
Kids and toilets: my kids would have just opened the toilet lid and hopped right in. They weren't fascinated with swimming in the potty, though my youngest grandson and youngest brother were. You can buy locks for the toilet lid that kids supposedly can't undo, but adults can. I've heard the kids are great at getting the locks open, but adults have accidents when they have to wrangle with them at the most inopportune time.
guys don't really have much. we get one orgasm per round in sex, we pretty much have to do what you say or can forget about
seeing that root any time, we get blamed for societal ills as well as on the home front. THE ONLY THING WE REALLY HAVE IS PEEING STANDING UP. don't take that away too.
Dig: I think guys should stand up. I just want you to lift the seat while you pee. Lower it when you're done. Look for stray pee and clean it up. If you do that, I'll try not to leave my lingerie soaking in the sink for too long.