I didnt do any research prior to leaving. I asked some elders some questions and that led me to the door.
Here are a few of the questions:
1. Did Cain and Abel marry thier sisters? If so, why is it now considerered a sin to marry even a cousin? I asked this in respose to an Elders statement that morals are absolute and Jehovah doesnt "change his face"
2. Why is having an organ transplant a matter of consience when having a blood transfusion is wrong? There are most certainly blood cells in the transplanted organ when it is placed in your body. Do you violate Jehovahs law if you only take a few cells or is it ok if you dont know about them?
3. Why cant we talk to a DF person if Jesus talked to a prostitute? Surly a person commiting intentional sin is less moral than someone than someone who made a one or two sin mistake?
4. How can we be sure we are "Jehovah Chosen People" if some of our teachings are wrong? (regarding New Light) What percentage of our Bible understanding has to be correct to be considered Jah's people? 100%? 90% 80% ? What if some of the core beliefs are wrong? Are they more important that smaller things?
I did not ask these in a confrontational manner and I truely wanted some answers. I was 17 years old when I asked these and I had many more but the answer was the same to every one. Trust in Jehovah and dont worry about these things. As I asked more questions the Elders started treating me colder and colder and finally wouldnt talk to me any more. In fact one of them told my mom "he is to smart for his own good and he will be destoyed at armageddon if he doesnt become more humble". One of the Elders told my mom that she should throw me out of the house if I continued to question the teachings. She did.