snarf - glad I could help.
Parakeet -
I see your point. The reason I said "many" instead of all is that I only write from personal experience. And while I have belonged to or attended most of the Christian denominational churches, I have not attended all of them and really do not know if there are any that treat women any better. I did not therefore want to make a blanket statement and offend some who may attend a more liberal church. But your point is valid as most churches seem to believe the "Adam was created first therefore is better than Eve myth". Since mostly men have been in leadership within the church systems for generations now, we can see why this "self promoting" (for men that is) myth is rampant. As some others have brought out Eve was to be a compliment to Adam not a subservient or lesser person.
I think it is clear from the Bibles view that Jesus did not treat women the way that most priests, elders, deacons, pastors, etc treat them today. Whether you believe Jesus to be the son of God or just a historical person - he was clearly before his time in many ways. His treatment of women is just one way.
Thanks all for your critique of my article.
Flash - I checked out your post too. Lilly