Yes, in a neighboring congregation, the whole elder body was removed, because they would not support the C.O.s suggestion to disfellowship a elder. The elder was accused of going to his disfellowshipped daughters wedding, and there was one elder who went to the C.O. about it. Had he done his investigation, he would have found that the accused elder did NOT go because he was afraid of the problems it would cause, but his WIFE went. While she was gone to the wedding, he went on a fishing trip. Everyone assumed they went together, and when he tried telling everyone he wassn't there but went fishing while his wife was gone, half of the hall believed him half didn't. So there became a division. And the elder that took him to the C.O. was one that didn't buy the fishing trip story.
Since the elders refused to disfellowship him, at the C.O.s advise, because there was no proof, the C.O. had the ENTIRE elder body removed. Then one elder the C.O. had removed, the C.O. secretly "hired" him back as a "mole". This mole was to report back to him anything those brothers said or did. So he could hold it against them as murmerers. The new brothers that were brought in worked right with the C.O.
The elders that were removed had NO warning what so ever, one night during the C.O.s visit, the new elders showed up and the C.O. deleted all the elders at one time. Then he told the congregation that these new elders that were brought in from neighboring halls were the "cream of the crop". Then, a talk was given on homosexuality, and some other things, which of course lead the WHOLE congregation to believe that, that was the reason for the removal. The elders that had been removed as you can imagine were besides themselves! Can you imagine going to the C.O.s visit only to be removed without suspecting it and then to be basically accused of homosexuality, etc..??
Because the elders who were removed were so distraut over the whole ordeal, they went directly to the Society, behind the C.O.s back. One of the elderly elders had a couple of strokes over the whole thing, most were in deep most of you know how it feels to be falsley accused (like being called a apostate!!). It took MONTHS and MONTHS finally, the Society sent in and after a thorough investigation, they were asked to return as elders. Most didn't. It was a huge scandal. It divided the entire circuit. It was amazing the power and control they had.
Lady Liberty