I've noticed several people on this board mention they have FMS and similar type afflictions. FMS is known to be brought about by physical/emotional stress. I have suffered from it for many years. What I have noticed is that the number of sisters who now have this is dramatic. Do you think that having to live the JW lifestyle is what pushes them into this type of sickness? I have often thought that living a life where your heart is divided from your mind is to blame. But walking away from it has its own stress attached. Anyone had success treating this disease?
A Connection Between Sickness and JW Lifestyle
by choosing life 22 Replies latest jw friends
What's FMS?? Regarding many exjws, once they left the pressures of being in the cult, they needed no further meds! That tells you something.
I have often thought that living a life where your heart is divided from your mind is to blame. But walking away from it has its own stress attached.
I am not familiar with the disease as such but generally I do believe that living a life where (as you put it) your heart is divided from your mind is to blame.
Inner conflict manifests itself in a number of ways and the mind itself is a complex organ; to simply shut one part of it down or to ignore its signals is highly dangerous to your mental health in my view and is to be avoided.
Walking away does have its own stresses but at least by walking away you are taking positive steps...steps that whilst might be difficult initially become easier over time.
choosing life
FMS is also called fibromyalgia syndrome/chronic fatigue syndrome. It causes constant pain and very limited supply of energy. They don't know the cause and treatment is very limited. It varies in severity, but a severe case is disabling.
Mt Mom has FMS, she was in the borg for 25 years
I used to be on Antidepressants. I used to be on Synthroid.
Since leaving I'm not on either. I'm not on any Rx meds anymore. My thyroid just decided to start working again. (I've been told stress can cause and underactive thyroid.) My brain decided things didn't need to make sense any more. I didn't need answers to all the questions life has to offer. I just needed to live it.
In my work I've found that there is a large number of JW patients who suffer from depression, anxiety, auto-immune diseases, and even what seems to be, a greater than average amount of joint replacements.
And also a high occurence of somatoform disorders. Remember back in the 90's when every sister and her cousin had MPD? (not saying MPD isn't legitimate - just that many sisters diagnosing themselves with all sorts of things is very common in the bOrg, for some odd reason...)
My mother has chronic fatigue syndrome and has been in the JWs for many years, her chronic fatigue started around the time she re-joined the JWs (she had been a JW and DF'd then re joined) her explanation is that it is Satan trying his best to give the JWs as much hardship as he can to hinder their important preaching work, which is one reason I stopped going along to meetings, I enjoy good health and I want to keep things that way!!! My sister also a JW has suffered depression for many years, makes you wonder doesnt it? Do you folks think satan is at work? afflicting those who serve Jehovah in the same way he afflicted Job, or is it some kind of JW curse?
Many JWs tend to self-diagnose and tend to pick up on the current illness trend in the WTS. I can remember when many JWs thought they had hypoglycemia, then FMS and CMS. Since many can't measure up to the constantly changing expectations of the WTS and other JWs, they can retreat consciously or subconsciously into these situations with less likelihood of being labeled "weak" or slackers.
It reminds me of the Victorian age and how protected and restricted women were and how some women retreated into illness.
I lean towards believing that this illness is a pychosomatic kind of illness, The kind that responds well to placebos. Jehovahs witnesses are noted for being hypochondriachs and mentally ill.