Responses to our Letter to JW Friends

by LennyinBluemont 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • LennyinBluemont

    We posted on earlier threads the letter we sent to the Judicial Committee™ as well as letters we sent to our JW friends. We sent those letters to 43 folks/couples on Monday. We have begun receiving replies. A few were sent to inactive/DF'd ones, and we have heard from two of them. Of course they loved the letter, because they already agree with our position. My wife got a call yesterday from a woman she studied with, who said simply, after reading the letter, "I have a different take on it from Lenny." Not sure what that comment means.

    Then, later, we received an email from a sister we have been close to for a very long time. Here is her email and our response:

    Lenny and Karen,

    I am hurt that you would try to take my joy in serving Jehovah with his united worldwide brotherhood. Whom shall I go away to? What other group, though still with imperfect people, takes a neutral stand in politics, preaches the good news worldwide, and has so many volunteers serving out of love and not for money? Who taught you what you know about Jehovah's name and the kingdom not to mention exposing unscriptural doctrines?

    Mary (name changed) Dear Mary,

    It seems that whatever Karen and I do, we’re hurting somebody. When we became Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1973, it deeply hurt several of our family members and friends, some to the point of tears. How do you think my father felt when I refused to attend the funerals of his mother, and then his father? But we believed we were standing on principle. Now, that we have seen the gross hypocrisy and double-dealing of the organization that we spent so much of our lives supporting, and once again, stand on the very same principle, you say you are hurt. So, it seems we can’t win. The interesting thing is, nobody ever asks about our hurt. No one seems to think about the years of pain we’ve gone through, and the cause of it. Mary, we’re not trying to take away anything from you, and that is not our intention. Our mailing was simply to report information to you that we have verified as accurate, and which we feel is vitally important, as well as to provide an explanation to the people we love as to what’s happening in our life. Isn’t that what friends do? Whatever you do with the information or don’t do with it is your responsibility. We certainly have nothing to gain by causing you unnecessary offense.

    Whom shall you go away to? I believe the scriptural answer is Jesus Christ. As to what other group takes a neutral stand in politics, that question forces me to wonder if you read our letter, because it’s primary message was the presentation of evidence that the Governing Body, for a period of ten years committed apostasy and made itself a spiritual harlot to the United Nations, agreeing to support its principles and charter and to publicize its programs and achievements. The fact that they dutifully performed under this agreement in secret, continue to remain silent on the issue, and have lied when confronted with it, just compounds their sin. In light of this, how can you speak to us of political neutrality? The evidence is unimpeachable.

    As to what other group has so many volunteers serving out of love and not for money, I’ve discovered that there are many thousands who do just that, many of them risking their lives every day to help and rescue total strangers in the fire and rescue service, as just one example, and all without pay. Didn’t Jesus say that nobody could have love greater than that? To risk or give their life in behalf of their brother or neighbor?

    Who taught us what we know about Jehovah’s name and the kingdom and exposing unscriptural doctrines? Who taught Charles Russell just about everything he published in the Watchtower? If you do your research, you will find that just about everything that witnesses assume originated with the Watchtower was plagiarized by Russell from the Adventists. I can’t think of anything he originated, including 1914. So what credit should the Watchtower receive for just passing along information they received from others? Anyone can do that. It is no basis for special recognition.

    We’re sorry that you’ve taken offense at what was intended to be an expression of our care for you. If we had not discharged that responsibility, we could never have considered ourselves your friends. As support for this statement, we can do no better than to quote the Watchtower:

    "When persons are in great danger from a source that they do not suspect or are being misled by those they consider their friends, is it an unkindness to warn them? They may prefer not to believe the warning. They may even resent it. But does that free one from the moral responsibility to give that warning?" The Watchtower, January 15, 1974

    Lenny and Karen

    Then, this morning we got another email from another dear friend. This one was dramatically different. She acknowledged the fact the organization has made serious mistakes, and even stated that our loyalty shouldn't be to a human organization. But she still feels that Jehovah is using the organization, and as long as that's the case she will continue to support it. But not a breath of condemnation for us. Her love came right through her thoughtful email, and although we don't agree, it was refreshing.

  • Blueblades

    The Jan 15,1974 Watchtower quote is a gem. Your response to her was very kind and considerate. I too wonder if she took the time to read your whole letter on the UN. issue that you disclosed to her. I admire your courage and honesty. I too served for 33 years before we did the fade four years ago and moved away from headquarters.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Quoting a watchtower as a reason for your letter is an excellent response Lenny. I hope she thinks about both your original letter and your kindly, well - constructed reply. Maybe if she did she might take a differrent viewpoint.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    I missed your original post, so had to look back and get up to speed. I have to say I like the way you have handled this difficult situation, while trying to come to terms with it yourself and to deal with people in so called authority who can't think for themselves because loyalty to the Organisation is paramount, is no easy feat.

    Its good to have another person who understands

    CS 101

  • sspo

    Who taught us what we know about Jehovah’s name and the kingdom and exposing unscriptural doctrines? Who taught Charles Russell just about everything he published in the Watchtower? If you do your research, you will find that just about everything that witnesses assume originated with the Watchtower was plagiarized by Russell from the Adventists. I can’t think of anything he originated, including 1914. So what credit should the Watchtower receive for just passing along information they received from others? Anyone can do that. It is no basis for special recognition.

    Never used this reasoning Lenny concerning who taught us the many truths. Russell stole it from others.

    All the other "truths" they came up with, do not have much backing from the bible such as the " other sheep,144k,paradise earth,blood" and much more


  • sass_my_frass

    That's a beautiful response.

    You're probably in a world of hurt right now. Be sure to do the opposite of what you've been trained to do all your life: it is vitally important that you put yourselves first for a while. It is going to take many many years for your letter to reach the people you sent it to. In the meantime, live your life. Don't wait for them.

  • Crumpet

    Again Lenny - not a false word. Maybe if she ever has cause to question in the future or if by some luck a householder (one of us maybe) brings the UN issue up in field service she will think it over a little more.

    Above all she should respect your honesty and I still think to even get one or two responses from active ones is astounding - its a testament to how much you were and are regarded that people would read even though they know they are supposed to destroy suich letters as soon as they know who they are from and what they concern.


  • Mysterious

    When I left I did a similar thing, emailing close friends. This caused one so called "friend" to throw up. Another (who lived somewhat distant from here) told her mother who then phoned mine at work being a gossip hound and causing her considerable distress.

  • LennyinBluemont

    Thanks again, my new sisters and brothers. Excellent comments and good counsel. I promise I will take it to heart. You are true. You are indeed a safety net. No JWs need fear leaving as long as this board and places like it are here to soften the fall. You have been a wonderful sounding board for me. "There was no where else for me to go!" ™


  • earthtone

    That was a great letter!. Can I print it so I can use some of those points with my mother?

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