WTBTS guidance on SMALL social gatherings.

by Gill 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • okie46

    I remember years ago we had congregation gatherings when I lived in a small town, we would have huge fish fries (frys) and play games like musical chairs, and have dancing. It was fun and I enjoyed them. People from other towns would come to ours because it was fun.

    Then I moved to the city and our congregation elders would not allow large group gatherings. This bothered alot of people and the congregation suffered because of it. We instead had those stupid, insipid small gatherings where you sang kingdom melodies, told experiences and had those stupid, mini-dramas after studying your watchtower. I hated studying my watchtower and I never had experiences because I hated service.

  • Mulan
    It sounds like they are just getting worse and worse! How do they keep anybody?

    My thoughts exactly.

    On the other hand, I have to agree with earthtone and her memories of fun gatherings. When we were raising our kids we had several families we got together with. Sometimes we would play Bible charades and everyone would be hysterical. We had a blast. We also had some Bible trivia games that were really fun and we all had a great time together. Usually we would have dinner first and some wine (oh NO) and it was really fun.

  • kgfreeperson

    So do you think they're working up to banning alcohol altogether--like smoking?

  • Gill

    kgfreeperson - could be they're working up banning socialising, more like! I remember one of these terrible social occassions when they played 'Bible questions'. We, our family, literally knew the answer to nothing, and what we did know 'we weren't telling'. However, the host family put on a show of knowing things like 'who was Melchizedek's cousin twice removed etc. The whole affair got very embarrassing and we 'numbskulls' were never invited again ----'Praise the Lord and Hallelullllaaaaaa!'

  • katiekitten
    I bet they played Bible charades

    Hey! I used to LOVE bible charades. I was soooooo good at it!

    ANd I have to agree with earthtone, I did have one or two great evenings with good company, doing all those 'spiritual' things. The script still makes me feel sick tho. You cant legislate fun into peoples lives. Its spontaneous, and spontaneity is something the WTS cant stand.

  • MinisterAmos
    It sounds like they are just getting worse and worse! How do they keep anybody?

    Some will fall out (not many because most don't actually read/believe/think it pertains to them) over this kind of stuff, but the "very spiritual" meaning the truly brainwashed will eat it up for the martyrism of it all.

    The kind of person who likes being a member of a contrarian cult eats up this kind of stuff, and they also think it makes them better than the rest.

  • Rooster
    If as the organizer (or control freak) of theyou guide matters widely and tactfully,

    The WTBTS would never make a mistake like the one quoted above. Hmmm.

  • Gill

    Rooster - (the control freak) is my addition, which I should have made clear.

    As for the 'typo' what can I say? Sorry?

  • Gill

    \\it should reas:

    'Both young and old will be delighted with this aspect of the gathering. If, as the organizer, you guide matters wisely and tactfully, your 'reasonableness will become known' to those present.'

  • Gill

    Sorry about the typos!!!

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