Of course they did, isn't that their main job?
by badboy 40 Replies latest jw friends
Dang, all these stories make me feel bad...
What they've done to me didn't even come close. They were bugging me about violent videogames, but never approached me about it face to face. I guess that's what happens when you've got influential relatives...
What a question.
Of course they did.
Way back when, I was dating this really cute pioneer sister even though I wasn't baptised yet. I was studying and almost ready. Well the elders decided she shouldn't be seeing me so they had her stop accepting my calls and told me I couldn't see her anymore. Of course at the time I accepted it and just went on. I think I was actually more mad at her for giving into them.
Oh well, it all worked out for the best. I''ve been out for over 10 years and I'm married to an incredible girl. Best thing that ever happened to me.
This is strange. I never had elders poking their noses into my personal business. I've heard so many stories about this, but I haven't experienced it. The closest that they've ever gotten to "poking their nose" in my business was the few times that they asked me if they could help me with field service (since my time was "low").
Frannie Banannie
Sure they did! I wrote letters to the Gov. Haughty about poor judgment and shennanigans of the local elders and the elders sent an older sister to "visit" with my youngest son and me and to go out in field service with us. She admitted that they sent her to spy on us and report back to them. Evil, evil, evil!
jason bourne
Every aspect of my life was scrutinized by certain elders.....
As a teenager, constantly, always for stupid things, such as playing tackle football. It stopped pretty much as an adult, until I began to have trouble in my marriage. Then I left.
No, because I was one of them . Thats the answer
I knew elders who just ate that sort of thing right up. They would get into what the friends wore in field service (ski parkas were a no-no for little kids - even though this is Vermont!), whether a brother should set up his own business, clothing and grooming always, your music, books, what TV shows or movies you watched, on and on.
As an elder, I tried to avoid as much of that as possible.