A Night In The Woods...

by Justice-One 80 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Justice-One
    you are alone and there is no 911 to call in an emergency.

    You are not kidding there! From where I was at it was a 4 mile walk to the nearest place to make a cell phone call. Though I DID have my PLB with me. SAR take a dim view of activating it because your afraid of the dark.

  • Justice-One
    Ok, so if you have no desire to shoot, what is the point of being out in the woods in absolute fear?

    I camped many nights with my family in deep woods. The biggest fear was bad humans no animals. Why are you so afraid? You seem very capable of defending yourself.

    There was probably very little to be afraid of, except my imagination. (Though cougars and bears WERE around - sign and spore abounded.) The woods in the Pacific Northwest at night is a bad place to let your imagination go. And the point of being in the woods in fear, was wanting to overcome that fear. Is facing fears and overcoming them a thing of the past?

  • Justice-One
    As if necessary after the above insanity, more evidence that those with a pathological interest in their firearms are precisely those who ahould be kept the farthest away from them can be found here.

    If you could read, you would have noticed that in the thread you referenced, I said "at one time" I had this problem. I no longer do, but when I did, I did NOT keep a firearm by my bed.

    Geez, I had no intention of this becoming a "gun thread," but I guess just the shear mention of a nasty old dirty firearm is enough to send some people like the above poster over the edge.

    And BTW, setting out tripwires around your camp when you are in the deep woods of the Pacific Northwest is NOT something that I would call insainity. You know I was not exactly camping at the local KOA campground.

  • Justice-One
    Or do you disagree with the medical literature that states that there is no cure for OSA?

    I don't know what medical literature you are looking at, but there is most assuredly a cure....it's called losing over 100 pounds. My apnea was being caused by snoring. When I lost my weight, I stopped snoring. - Now, please go screw yourself.

  • dilaceratus
    Justice-One: If you could read, you would have noticed that in the thread you referenced, I said "at one time" I had this problem. I no longer do, but when I did, I did NOT keep a firearm by my bed.

    So then, you disagree with the medical literature which states that there is no known cure for this disorder. You claimed to have your terrors relieved by the use of a CPAP, but you no longer use it. Therefore, there is the possibility that it could reoccur, along with your hallucinatory beliefs. Yet you are certain that you are entirely competent to own firearms, and, keep them by your bedside-- lo, even cocked at your side, and another in your lap, as you sleep.

    No doubt you are so amazingly competent, that prior to your first hallucinatory episode you locked your firearms away. How thrilled your family and neighbors must have been at your prudent diligence.

    And BTW, setting out tripwires around your camp when you are in the deep woods of the Pacific Northwest is NOT something that I would call insainity. You know I was not exactly camping at the local KOA campground.

    Sitting with two loaded weapons, one a cocked sidearm, in a fearful state, while potentially subject to a known medical problem which causes vivid psychosis is not insanity, it is a reckless disregard for the safety of others. That you continue to justify and award yourself the competence to own and handle firearms, despite the clear indications you are not, is the insanity.

    No doubt you feel that all those who suffer, or could rationally be expected to suffer, hallucinatory visions should be similarly armed-- the mentally ill and those who habitually use mind-altering drugs.

  • Justice-One
    So then, you disagree with the medical literature which states that there is no known cure for this disorder. You claimed to have your terrors relieved by the use of a CPAP, but you no longer use it. Therefore, there is the possibility that it could reoccur, along with your hallucinatory beliefs. Yet you are certain that you are entirely competent to own firearms, and, keep them by your bedside-- lo, even cocked at your side, and another in your lap, as you sleep.

    I would say that you really need to mind your own business. You have brought one thread into another one, and I believe this goes against forum rules.

    AND, I could not care LESS what your medical texts say. I know that I have not had a problem with apnea for more than TEN YEARS, since I lost weight.

  • Justice-One
    No doubt you are so amazingly competent, that prior to your first hallucinatory episode you locked your firearms away. How thrilled your family and neighbors must have been at your prudent diligence.

    You sure take a lot for granted. And if your "logic" was used in other matters, we would all spend our lives tied to our bedposts.

  • Justice-One
    one a cocked sidearm, in a fearful state, while potentially subject to a known medical problem which causes vivid psychosis is not insanity, it is a reckless disregard for the safety of others.

    You are showing your ignorance sir. My sidearm was a .45....they are ALWAYS carried "cocked and locked."

    Reckless disregard for the safety of others???? Give me a break city boy. I was MILES and MILES from the nearest warm body, deep in a wilderness area. And even IF I wasn't, only an idiot such as yourself, would walk into a camp at night unannounced. Even in California you are allowed to defend your campsite from intruders. Now please....piss off.

  • Justice-One
    No doubt you feel that all those who suffer, or could rationally be expected to suffer, hallucinatory visions should be similarly armed-- the mentally ill and those who habitually use mind-altering drugs.

    I may be just a little slow sometimes, but I really need to be more alert to these trolling asswipes.

  • Justice-One

    I will no longer respond to the above thread highjacking butthead. People like him are a waste of time. Besides, I have better things to do than debate disingenous One Delta Ten Tangos. (IDIOTS.)

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