You know what I am sick of it

by hambeak 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • hambeak

    Thanks beautiful lady I stopped drinking the beer and had the chemo. I am doing ok and Jake had me go down to sprint and change my phone number as I was getting all sorts of crazy calls. One in particular was from an attorney who said that my daughter the oldest under law can act as my guardian if I become incapacitated and Jake has no legal right to do anything no matter what we sign. I will sell it all first and give him the cash but our home is jointly owned and they can force him to move and they get half.

  • Scully
    One in particular was from an attorney who said that my daughter the oldest under law can act as my guardian if I become incapacitated and Jake has no legal right to do anything no matter what we sign.

    This is possibly the most disgusting bottom feeding scum sucking behaviour I've ever read about on this forum. How dare they!!!!!

  • jgnat

    The attorney was wrong. He was trying to scare you. MAYBE, PERHAPS if you are high on Vicodin, they'd have half a leg to stand on, but when you are certifiably in your right mind, you can name anyone you want as your guardian. There is such a thing as FREEDOM in your country. Exercise it.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    you can name anyone you want as your guardian


    Bloody well right.

    Find a different attorney. Fight for what you want. You know who cares about you. Make it happen. It is possible. If this were not so, my pedophile father would end up with our children if (God forbid) Nina and I both died. 'tis not so. We drew up specific instructions in our wills to prevent such a thing from happening.

    If I can do it, so can you.


  • jaguarbass

    Dont answer the door. You dont have to answer the door. I never answer the door. Who could possilbly be at the door that you want to see. To me ansering the door and answering the telephone is part of being a sheep. Be self directed not controlled by outside forces.

    If I expect company then I answer the door. If I want to talk to somebody I call them. If they call me I screen their calls with an answering machine.

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