It is truly hypocritical of the Watchtower Society to demonise mainstream Christianity and yet use material by the apologists of Christendom to argue in disputes.
Take your pick of any case where the Bible's historicity or literary inerrancy is challenged by secular scholars, or where evolution-creation models are debated. The arguments presented by the WTS are not the products of JW thought, but those of their sworn enemies.
Even the illustrations are regurgitated models from Satan's world/false religion. e.g. Every clock needs a clockmaker, Time's infinity compared to God's eternity, etc.
And most Dubs would gullibly think (even as I once did) that the Governing Body possesses the intellectual might to come up with these *amazing* ideas all by themselves. What poppycock!! The Governing Body wouldn't be able to name their ass if it was handed to them on a silver platter.