Watchtower Ironies - When I was a babe

by Mysterious 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    Anyone else find it amusing how many of the things they do are ironic? They talk about "babes" that eat spiritual milk and not solid food, and yet their publications are milk. They never teach people to think for themselves (chew) at all.

    Or how they condemn other religions for being false prophets and yet they have given forth just as much false prophecy.

  • Inquisitor

    It is truly hypocritical of the Watchtower Society to demonise mainstream Christianity and yet use material by the apologists of Christendom to argue in disputes.

    Take your pick of any case where the Bible's historicity or literary inerrancy is challenged by secular scholars, or where evolution-creation models are debated. The arguments presented by the WTS are not the products of JW thought, but those of their sworn enemies.

    Even the illustrations are regurgitated models from Satan's world/false religion. e.g. Every clock needs a clockmaker, Time's infinity compared to God's eternity, etc.

    And most Dubs would gullibly think (even as I once did) that the Governing Body possesses the intellectual might to come up with these *amazing* ideas all by themselves. What poppycock!! The Governing Body wouldn't be able to name their ass if it was handed to them on a silver platter.


  • thecarpenter

    And most Dubs would gullibly think (even as I once did) that the Governing Body possesses the intellectual might to come up with these *amazing* ideas all by themselves. What poppycock!! The Governing Body wouldn't be able to name their ass if it was handed to them on a silver platter.

    Inquisitor, you poztate bastard, the governing body could name their ass. (that's about all they can do)

  • Arthur

    I find it ironic how the WTS and JWs ridicule Catholics for puting their loyalty in the Vatican, and their unwavering obedience to the Pope.

    Yet, JWs are commanded to give their loyalty to the "spirit-directed organization" and their unquestioning obedience to the Governing Body.

    Talk about a hypocritical song and dance. I call this dance routine the Brooklyn Heights Two-Step.

  • sspo

    What did Karl klien of the GB say as quoted Ray Franz

    That the society is constantly sucking from the harlot breast.They have 1000's of books written by the scholars of what they call babylon the great.

    Is there any scholar at Bethel. The only one that came close, i hear was Fred Franz but if i'm not mistaken he did not have much schooling himself.

  • Mysterious

    And if I'm not completely off base arthur I don't believe catholics are baptized in the name of the pope the way dubs are in the name of the JW organization.

  • Gill

    They condemn the Catholic church and other religions for passing the collection plate and yet they do the same. There are constant reminders at the meetings for more cash for the local hall, the WTBTS World wide work fund. Hints to hand over estates, shares, cash, constantly.

    If anything they are worse than other religions for demanding cash because they demand down to 'the widows last coin'.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    They condemn the Catholic church and other religions for passing the collection plate and yet they do the same

    That's exactly right. Look at the Hurricane Katrina relief fund, for example. Jws were told to put their contributions in the www box, and had no idea if the money went to the victims or were used by the org for other purposes, like printing more bullshit magazines and books, which many suspect is what happened.

  • Mary

    I think it's ironic that Charles Russell had a beard, celebrated Christmas, birthdays and other pagan holiday, taught that The Last Days started in 1799, that Jesus died on a cross, and he's (supposedly) ruling in heaven with Jesus this very minute, yet any Witness who practices any of the above today is disfellowshipped and condemned as an apostate and worthy of the Second Death.

  • PrimateDave

    Yes, I remember reading and hearing about Fred Franz being a Bible "scholar". The problem with that is that he never made unbiased studies of the Bible and Christianity or published findings of said studies in peer reviewed journals for the advancement of real knowledge. No, he was not a scholar, just an apologist/propagandist with an agenda. And that is all that the Watchtower Society is: an apologist propaganda machine with an agenda (make money, maintain membership, make converts). Ironically, there are real Biblical scholars in other Christian churches who do not have a fundamentalist, apologist agenda. Funny, six months ago I couldn't see the facts which are so obvious to anyone who will take the time to look. When I was a babe, the milk was rather sour indeed!

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