I've heard them many times juni, usually followed by dire warnings about the fate of those who choose to leave the org, and this scripture form 2Peter2:20 read out to re - inforce the warning:
Certainly if, after having escaped from the defilements of the world by an accurate knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they get involved again with these very things and are overcome, the final conditions have become worse for them than the first.
In other words, leave if you like, but you'll be sorry.
However, as you and I, and millions of others know, there is life outside the org, and a lot more enjoyable life at that, without having to try to live by all those near - impossible rules the gb put on their followers.
I know I have a much better quality of life now I'm out, and I'm happier than I ever was as a jw. I think maybe that's why the gb counsel against jws visiting sites like this one. Perhaps they think the dubs will get the idea that there is a better life away from the org by reading on here.