I know we always think and talk about how when we left the Witnesses, we felt burned out on organized religion as a whole. We felt it was caused by our time as Witnesses, and the burn out we felt from knowing so much about other religions and our "suppose" knowledge on the Bible. Here is the thing, since leaving the Witnesses and talking to people who have never spent any time in the Witness religion. I would say that it is very common for people to be burnt out on organized religion, of any kind. I speak to people all the time who mention their disgust with religion and how they, as the next generation, do not see themselves growing into retirement with a local church they attend. Most have a feeling of thinking that there is a higher power, but not a clear religion that seems to be doing anything other then controlling their people with fear, and making lots of money off it. I left the Christian faith, myself, and for the most part Christianity turned me off because of every organized church I saw attached to it. I thought for ever it was just my background, and it is nice to know it happens to everyone. Have you found this to be the case, with those you speak with in your life?
Most people are burned out on all organized religions
by free2beme 12 Replies latest jw friends
I move about in a variety of "classes" from the highly educated to the common folk and surprisingly I find the vast majority of people are basically religious, but don't spend a lot of time examining the basis of their religious assumptions. Some of my best friends and aquaintenances are huminists who have given up on religion. The common thread amongst them is their fundamentalist upbringing that they gave up and assumed all religion is harsh, controling and out of touch with the contemporary issues of modern society. In our age of science and "reason" the majority of people still inherit their relgious world views. Only a challenging education or major upheavel in their lives will shake them from their lethargy.
In fact when me and my husband talk about religion and he thinks it a big joke. He acknowledges a higher being but is unsure if current methods of spreading faith in him/her are the proper channel. Also coworkers have mentioned it too. But now that I think about it didn't we have a tract or brochure aaddressing everyone's dissatisfication with religion in general? Or was that conversation starter for field service?
religion is the worlds greatest con game. As ones intelligence matures and grows it becomes unpalatable.
If there is a higher being is he, she it or a committe, even worthy of our faith? Maybe we are part of some science progect. Or maybe we are all God and were having a human experience to amuse ourselves. A visit to the pleasure planet. Like Wally world. aka Disneyland
In the begining there was superstition. Then man organized his superstition. Then it became religion.
Hello Free2bme, I'm SuzieQ and as an ex JW, I've always felt that we got too much information, studying and even posturing. It was an extreme effort for me to always be the odd person out on subjects. I was always having to explain myself. Such as "I can't attend the office party for ----whatever reason." Or upon hearing through the office grapevine that I was an JW some people approached me regarding blood transfusion "you people keep blood from your dying children" or "you don't accept homosexuals" etc. etc. this is what I refer to as posturing. This was very difficult for me to deal with and it seems like something was always coming up; I just gave up after awhile. I felt attacked all the time and the congregation, the elders, my JW friends didn't help at all. I was completely wiped out! Whatever happens to this world is not in my hands. I try to be the best person I can be right now and not worry about the salvation of mankind. God can do that! SuzieQ
Useful quotes: "That's the beauty of religion and superstition, it has no limits.Religion is the most profitable legal business because religions can misquote, misrepresent, and use unethical practices without fear of punishment. It's the absolute best way to scam people I have yet seen."Gary Buss * * * * * A mouth that prays, a hand that kills— Arabian proverb - “How do you find a lion that has swallowed you?” asked Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, commenting on the moral dilemma posed by the “shadow,” his insightful term for the dark, hidden side of the human psyche. The answer to Jung’s questions is “you can’t find or see that lion”—not as long as you are inside the beast. And therein resides the essential dilemma of a group’s dark side or shadow: it is nearly impossible for those caught inside a group’s belief system to see their own dark side with any clarity or objectivity * * * * * The Watchtower Corporation is a multi media production and printing company, and we know all activities are only for the purpose of promoting and raising funds for the WatchTower Corporation.
They produce books, tapes, CD's, and videos. Their main business is soliciting donations, both door to door from strangers and from their own members at WatchTower Corporation sponsored meetings.
Their second cash producing business is sponsoring events and conventions and collecting donations at those. The third equity business is the real estate development and speculating business.
A huge sub business is the soliciting and managing of the proceeds of wills, trusts, and cash assets of loyal members. This is their lowest road and they pursue it with impunity.-Gary Buss Danny Haszard sez'~They all suck with JW's the worst of the bunch. Many 'organized' religions are predatory with individuals who are altruistic,in comparison the Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses are more predatory individually and collectively. -
I agree, I think most people a getting burned out on organized religion. My wife was raised a fundamental basptist, which is almost as bad as the Witnesses. She and I want nothing to do with orgnaized religion. I really believe that religion was created to control mankind.
Sad emo
My outlook is that if you get burned out on religion/faith, you're spending too much time 'doing' and not enough time 'living' it.
Same view of life in general - too much to do, not enough time to do it all, relationships suffer, society breaks down.... We forget how to just 'be'.
We're human beings not human doings!