Why do people continue to read 3rdwitnesses post? They are long and boring! I never read them I just read you all responses to figure out what he's talking about. I say we should all boycott his post by not responding... at least until he can make them shorter!
by earthtone 21 Replies latest jw friends
Well, not all of his posts are that long. Most of the time, thirdwitness debates members of this board regarding Watchtower chronology.
At one time, I felt exactly the same way you did. I suggested that everyone ignore him. But then, someone (I believe it was hillary_step) made a very convincing arguement against my view. They pointed out that there are may JWs who read everything on this site, but don't post. They just quietly observe the debates that go on. This is a very healthy thing, because we JWs come from an environment of totalitarian control where absolutely no discussion, debate, or disagreement is allowed.
It is a truly amazing thing to see a devout WTS supporter (some believe to be a Bethel operative) and posters on this site have open debates. Where else could we see such a thing?
So, I am irritated by thirdwitness' staunch apologies of the WTS, but I am glad that he is here. I think it is a very healthy thing to have these open discussions and debates. The Watchtower Society must be cursing the internet.
I never thought of it like that. Good points. Especially since most of the time he can barely defend his self or when he does he uses the same arguement to counter every question thrown his way.
Oh well, I'll just ignore him then. lol
Eventually because he is on this board he will see what he is defending is truly not the truth.
Earthtone, you have a point. I have responded occasionally to t - wit, but I know it's a waste of time, as all he comes back with is a long, boring copy - and - paste post, usually the same as his previous one. He rarely answers direct questions, even simple ones. Actually, he's not alone there, all the other jw apologists who come on here are the same.
I love his posts!
He reminds me of where I was and where I am!
He keeps coming back and getting his ass kicked and the WTBTS's to boot.
He's slowly wriggling free from an awful trap!
Well done thirdwitness! You've got balls! Soon, you will be free!
Keep posting, young Jedi!!
I would wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments on this thread. Thing is there will always be someone who wants to argue until they're blue in the face. IMO it's absolutely pathetic to keep posting on these type of 'WTS doctrine let's argue about it 'til we die' threads.
People that keep these threads alive should get a life, cos they're just pissing in the wind....a strong one.
For pity's sake guys, some of these threads are hundreds of posts long.
Stop having your heads booted around by these boring sods!! Use your time for a more worthy thread.
Earthtone (and others),
I, too, used to wonder why 3rdWitness, Scholar and others of their ilk were given air-time here and felt it was surely better to ignore them and for no-one to post replies. Then I quickly realised that, thanks to the likes of AlanF and Leoleia, JW apologists were being exposed for the ignoramuses they really are! Such ignoramuses, by being exposed here, are doing more to help JWs get out of Watchtower's mind control than anything else!!
I changed my opinion. Bring them on. Let's have more. Let the lurkers here see for themselves what utter idiots the JW apologists are and, at the same time, let us all be reminded how grateful we are to be free of such idotic company.