Does the GB truly beleive they are being used by God
by sspo 38 Replies latest jw friends
Having talked with a couple people at the Corp. Office (Bethel), they are rude. A friend of mine works Bethel and reviews DF letter sent from the Cong. and appeals. I asked him if a DF had ever been overturned on appeal and he said "never". How can Elder be right 100% of the time?????
Your serious?! They never overturn them? Your right, the elder are not 100% of the time.
When your backed by God and the holy spirit how can you be wrong!!??
Its a pyschotic condition refered to as illusions of grandeur. I have an aquaintence who suffers from this. He is a security guard but hes convinced hes a lawyer.
It all boils down to this: it doesnt really matter whether the GB believe they are being used by God or not. The matters that the rank and file JWs believe this ruse. For that is how the whole scam works!
The package-
I have a question for you. Does the person you know read every letter sent? Has he ever mentioned it? I ask because my family has been sending letters galore to the "Service" Department (a real misnomer) and I think that after awhile they just use them to paper bird cages.
Do you know if this "brother" or his area have pet birds?
Does he ever comment on any of the letters sent?
The society will never get involved in local df, they have an appeal committee and CO in the field to settle situations that come up.
QUANDRY - It's my understabding his assigment is to review DF letters and related appeals. He's told me some interesting stories. Keep in mind, he has NO ideal I'm on this message board or my feelings on the FAKE WTS. Maybe one day I'll share some of his stoires.