August 28, 2006
Dear Brothers,
In our letter of July 5, 2006 we asked that all congregations arrange to have in the permanent file a listing of each Publisher’s telephone numbers, including his/her residence number(s), work number(s), and any mobile (such as cellular) number(s). We appreciate the hard work of you brothers in compiling such lists. With this letter we will explain how this information is to be utilized in connection with a new arrangement to guard the flock, and which will be announced to all congregations the third week of October, 2006 at the Service Meeting.
Reports from the field continue to show that a minority of dedicated Christians are engaging in conduct and practices in the privacy of their own homes that are in violation of Biblical principles and Christian standards. For example, some are continuing to use the Internet to search for apostate information concerning the Organization, despite loving counsel to the contrary. Also, not a few married Christians are engaging in sexual relations far more frequently than is Scripturally necessary, taking valuable time and energy away from Kingdom interests. Not to be overlooked are those who continue to watch questionable movies and other programs on television.
Therefore, to assist you brothers in shepherding the flock, we are instituting a new arrangement, actually a set of advanced electronic devices that will enable you to monitor each household’s activity. You will need to arrange to have these monitoring devices installed in each Publisher’s home in the following areas: Bedroom(s), Living Room, Family Room (if any), Dining Room (if any), Kitchen, and Bathroom(s). If you feel that additional rooms need monitoring, such as enclosed porches or garages and carports, you may arrange to install monitoring devices in those areas also, without contacting the Society.
If a member of the congregation works secularly, at least one monitoring device will need to installed in his/her work area. The same would be true of those with mobile telephones, a device would need to be installed in their vehicle(s).
How will these devices work? A detailed installation and operation manual will be provided later, but simply stated, the monitoring devices will provide both video and sound (sent to the Kingdom Hall’s new Monitoring Room (please refer to our letter of May 6, 2006) via the telephone system.
Who will monitor these images and sound? We are asking that the Presiding Overseer arrange on a rotation basis for the elders to share in observing the actions and speech of congregation members as displayed on the monitoring screens. A built-in taping system will be provided, so that questionable activity may be recorded and analyzed, and if needed, appropriate counsel and/or Judicial Committees may be formed to deal with what is revealed.
Much more information about this new arrangement will be forthcoming in next few weeks, including the “Agreement to Monitor My Personal Activity” card that each publisher will need to sign, witness and date. Also a new position to be filled if possible by an elder to be called the “Big Brother”.
We know you brothers will rejoice with us in appreciation for this new provision from Jehovah to help our brothers.
With you in dedicated Kingdom Service,
Elders Letter: Big Announcement/Why they want all the telephone #'s
by dannyboy 37 Replies latest jw friends
That's Great. For about the first four or five sentences, I thought it was real. Very Orwelian.
How long did it take you to write that?
lmao.. I thought it was real too!
It won't be long that it will come to that in order to clean and purify the organ.
Good stuff. Dash in some OT scriptures about how "the eye of Jehovah is everywhere" and use a bit more tortured "theocratic" phrasing. Then you'll be in league with Scully and AlmostAtheist.
But you know they would TOTALLY do it if they could.
But you know they would TOTALLY do it if they could.
Maybe this is what the big announcement is going to be. Maybe they are going to institute a new policy of surveilence.
Sort of like the U.S. Patriot Act, the Society will institute: The Theocrat Act.
Maybe this is what the big announcement is going to be. Maybe they are going to institute a new policy of surveilence.
Sort of like the U.S. Patriot Act, the Society will institute: The Theocrat Act.
That would be absolutely fantastic. They could set up an anonymous "tipster" line like the cops have. Reward successful tips with more Privileges TM and punish the bogus leads with loss of Privileges TM .
Perhaps this 'letter' could be read during a 'special needs' talk...
Jim TX -
Brilliant, dannyboy. I believed it was real until I got to this bit:
Also, not a few married Christians are engaging in sexual relations far more frequently than is Scripturally necessary, taking valuable time and energy away from Kingdom interests.
Hilarious, thanks