Sad emo,
I agree that "kenosis" is not a heresy (it's only a word), but there is an interpretation of Phil 2:7 which is herecy - stating that the Word became less of God or not God at all when He dwelt as the man Jesus Christ (emptying Himself of deity). Regarding this I believe we agree that that is not a right interpretation of Jesus' humbling Himself when He came in the likeness of a bondservant.
About the issue with Jesus' comment regarding His second coming: Jesus cooperated with the limitations of humanity and voluntarily did not exercise His attribute of omniscience. He still was divine but was moving and living completely as a man. There is another Scripture that speaks of the second coming and in it Jesus says, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority." (Acts 1:7). This Jesus said after His resurrection when the disciples again question Him about His return. Jesus did not deny knowing, but said "it is not for you to know." To say that Jesus did not possess the attribute of omniscience because of one controversial verse when there are multiple Scriptures that prove He was all-knowing tells me that there is a problem with the interpretaion or a lack of understanding. The references in the bible showing that Jesus is yhwh are far too great to list here and we know by the Scriptures that yhwh is all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present. Some will say, "that's no proof because the bible is not true," but for those of you who do believe the word of God, it is enough.